Λύση WAN
Το CloudWAN 3.0 ενδυναμώνει τις βιομηχανίες.
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Ο Ψηφιακός Μετασχηματισμός Αλλάζει τα WANs
Καθώς ο ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός συνεχίζει να επεκτείνεται σε όλες τις βιομηχανίες, τα δίκτυα Wide Area Networks (WAN) πρέπει να αλλάξουν, να αποδεχτούν το εταιρικό cloudification και να μετασχηματίσουν τα δίκτυα παραγωγής που βασίζονται στο πρωτόκολλο Internet (IP).
• Πράγματι, μέχρι το 2025, εκτιμάται ότι το 85% των επιχειρηματικών εφαρμογών θα μετακινηθεί στο cloud, με το 74% των επιχειρήσεων να επιλέγει το ιδιωτικό cloud έναντι των υβριδικών μοντέλων.
• Ως εκ τούτου, δεδομένου του maturity των τεχνολογιών IP — όπως Service Routing over IPv6 (SRv6) και το Flexible Ethernet (FlexE) — σε συνδυασμό με την ευέλικτη ανάπτυξη και τα συγκλίνοντα πλεονεκτήματα μεταφοράς των δικτύων IP, οι υπηρεσίες που στο παρελθόν μεταφέρονταν από πολλαπλά δίκτυα παραγωγής Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) μπορούν τώρα να μεταφέρονται μέσω ενός μόνο δικτύου IP, μειώνοντας το συνολικό κόστος ιδιοκτησίας (TCO) για τις επιχειρήσεις.
The access and core networks of banks both adopt SRv6. NCE-IP, together with a modular architecture, allows networks to communicate over a single WAN and enables agile E2E financial service provisioning within minutes, resource pooling, multi-center service collaboration, and nearby access to active-active services, improving user experience.
Amid global digital transformation efforts, individual and enterprise services are moving to the cloud at an accelerated rate, and traffic continues to surge. As a result, enterprise private lines have to meet increasingly higher SLA requirements. This solution aims to centrally carry home broadband and private line services. It uses advanced technologies such as SDN, SRv6, slicing, and IFIT to build IP converged transport networks featuring ultra-broadband, guaranteed SLAs, and intelligent O&M.
Government digital transformation is driven by national policies. This solution uses industry-leading SRv6, FlexE, and intelligent O&M technologies to build next-generation national converged backbone networks that feature "one fiber multipurpose transport, one-hop cloud access, one-click O&M, and one-stop converged transport".
The power data network provides wide-area interconnection and unified transport for data centers, dispatch centers, substations, and power supply companies at all levels. This solution provides the IPv6 Enhanced-based unified architecture for building intelligent and simplified power data networks.
This solution uses FlexE slicing to ensure low latency for 5G-R production services, SRv6 to enable flexible transport and elastic deployment of office services, and iMaster NCE + IFIT-based big data mining to deliver proactive network O&M, helping build secure, reliable, intelligent, and agile converged transport production networks for the transportation industry.
This solution leverages the leading IPv6 Enhanced architecture to build next-generation "digital government" networks that feature high speed, intensive sharing, hierarchical assurance, high security, high reliability, and future readiness.
As enterprises pose higher requirements on automation and intelligence, the access and core networks start to adopt SRv6. NCE orchestrates different networks and provides multi-domain network services for the upper layer. With simplified network protocols, one WAN is sufficient for various services.
To Cope with the challenges from 5G and Cloud Service, Huawei provide CloudBackbone Solution. It is based on Ultra-Broadband, to construct a Simplified Network architecture, and enable network intelligence capacity with NCE. Huawei NCE (Network cloud Engine) enables intelligence capacity of the network to implement proactive O&M and network automation, and make a non-congestion, self-healing Network.
Data is transmitted over the WAN after compression. Data fragments are compressed using a compression algorithm and then sent to the remote peer, which decompresses the fragments into original traffic and forwards it to the receive end.
NetEngine 8000 Series Routers
Next-generation, full-service, intelligent routers designed to serve as enterprise WAN core nodes, large enterprise network access nodes, DCI nodes, and campus or large-scale IDC network egress.
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Huawei NetEngine A800
Designed for the cloud era, this router offers easy deployment, simplified O&M, high performance, and strong reliability, helping enterprises quickly access various networks.
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NetEngine 40E Series Routers
Full-service routers designed to serve as core nodes on enterprise WANs, access nodes on large enterprise networks, interconnection and aggregation nodes on campus networks, and edge nodes on large IDC networks.
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