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    Power Broadband Operation

    Maximize the utility of existing power infrastructure to enable new opportunities.


  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Architecture
  • Products
  • Case Studies

"Fibers Follow Watts" — Using Power Infrastructure
to Enable New Opportunities

With broadband networks becoming increasingly crucial to the digital economy in the era of intelligence, Right Of Way (ROW) restrictions, high fiber deployment costs, and limited home access issues are hindering its deployment. Electric power companies' infrastructure however, already enjoys extensive coverage, providing potential benefits to broadband network deployment in terms of ROW resources and environmental protection. This presents great opportunities for power companies to scale up their business and bring value-added services.

Huawei's Electric Broadband Solution provides electric power customers with consulting, planning, and system integration services. Covering business and service design, the solution helps electric power customers quickly build networks and affordably develop services with the power grid resources that they already possess. This ensures that assets such as power optical fibers and equipment rooms are used to their fullest potential, developing broadband operation services to maximize value-added business.


Ultra-Broadband Interconnection


48 Tbit/s per fiber with a smooth upgrade to 88 Tbit/s, future-proofing fiber capacity for the next 10 years.

Integrated Design


With optical and electrical convergence, a unified platform slashes the cost per bit.

Smart Brain


Management transforms from reactive to proactive, and from corrective to predictive and preventive, with visualized daily operations.

Smooth Evolution

Ultimate Bandwidth

Offering next generation distributed architecture, single-slot 200G smooth evolution, and gigabit to the home.

084 money

Slashing Network Construction Costs

By removing the need for fiber splicing, the construction process is significantly more cost-effective and efficient, with total required time reduced by 57%.

data application services

Intelligent Diagnosis

Premium Wi-Fi accelerates high-quality home broadband services, while intelligent network diagnosis with automated fault detection and correction tools guarantee network uptime and service availability.


electric broadband operation architecture en

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Power Broadband Operation IP Network Solution

Huawei's power broadband operation IP network solution provides flexible bearing, deterministic SLA, and intelligent O&M with SDN, SRv6, FlexE, Discover.


Real-World Success