  • Intelligent Finance

    Intelligentes Finanzwesen

    Gemeinsam für ein resilientes, intelligenteres Finanzwesen


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Intelligent Finance

Mehr Widerstandsfähigkeit
für ein intelligenteres Finanzwesen

Für intelligentere Services müssen Systeme widerstandsfähig sein. In der digitalen Welt bedeuten alle Änderungen neue Herausforderungen für die Widerstandsfähigkeit. Diese Widerstandsfähigkeit muss neu definiert und konsolidiert werden, um das Ziel „Non-Stop Banking“ zu erreichen: Keine Ausfallzeiten und hohe Verfügbarkeit von Finanzservices, Benutzererlebnis ohne Wartezeiten, einfache Nutzung bei hoher Datensicherheit. Nur so können intelligentere Systeme erreicht werden.

Auf der MWC 2024 in Barcelona war der Titel der Digital Finance Session „Non-Stop Banking, Resilience Boosts Intelligence“. In dieser Session hat Jason Cao, der CEO der Digital Finance BU von Huawei, betont, dass die Widerstandsfähigkeit die Grundlage für alles ist und hat ausgeführt, wie eine entsprechende Infrastruktur im Zeitalter der Intelligenz aufgebaut sein muss.

ZTP and Configuration

Aufbau einer resilienten Infrastruktur

Der Trend hin zu immer verfügbaren Finanzservices stellt verschiedene Herausforderungen für eine IT-Infrastruktur dar. Huawei baut mit Fokus auf das Nutzererlebnis, Resilienz und Anwendungssicherheit eine autonome und resiliente MEGA-Infrastruktur durch umfassende technologische Innovation auf, für eine Weiterentwicklung von Mainframes hin zu cloudnativer Container-Cloud-Architektur.

Intelligent Traffic Scheduling

Beschleunigung der Anwendungsmodernisierung

Das „Plattform und Service“-Modell ist entscheidend für die Optimierung der Geschäftsagilität im Finanzwesen. Die Modernisierung von Finanzanwendungen ist die einzig mögliche Herangehensweise. Wir glauben, dass sechs Schlüsselelemente für eine Anwendungsmodernisierung erforderlich sind: Serviceorientierte Architektur, multiaktive Resilienz, Sicherheits-Compliance, umfassende Code-Integration, zusammenstellbare Services und KI-gestützte/datengestützte Technologie. All dies bietet die Digital CORE-Lösung 3.0.

Optimierung von datengestützten Entscheidungen

Das Finanzwesen nutzt eine große Datenmenge. Huawei glaubt, das zur optimalen Nutzung dieser Daten vier Schritte (vom Betrieb zu den Daten, von Daten zu Informationen, von Informationen zu Wissen und vom Wissen zur Aktion) für die Branche erforderlich sind. Diese vier Schritte erfordern Updates in fünf Bereichen: Datenarchitektur, Daten-Governance, Datenverbrauch, Datensicherheit und Datennutzung.

Innovationen ermöglichen

Das Finanzwesen befindet sich im Zeitalter digitaler Finanzservices. Huawei hat speziell für diesen Bereich und spezifische Szenarien Technologien entwickelt. Wir haben verschiedene hochentwickelte Technologien kombiniert, um eine Device-Edge-Cloud-KI-Finanzplattform zu erstellen und mehr Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu erreichen: Vertrauenswürdige Überwachung, vertrauenswürdige Verantwortung und Wertschöpfung aus Vertrauen. So kann das Finanzwesen verschiedene Branchen unterstützen.


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How GenAI Sparks Growth and Innovation in Leading Banks

Best Selling Author of Bank 4.0 and Augmented, Host of The Futurists Podcast, Brett King, and Head of Digital Finance for Huawei, Jason Cao resume their teatime chat to bring you more insight on generative AI and the role of regulatory bodies in future innovation.

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Building a Castle on the Rock of Resilience - BDO Unibank on Fortifying Infrastructure

Building a resilient and secure "castle" as a foundation for the bank makes BDO Unibank ready for anything thrown at it, whether it be natural disasters, pandemics or cybercrime. This article outlines BDO Unibank's strategy of fortification, and how the bank is approaching AI.

Transforming Banking with Digital CORE

Transforming Banking with Digital CORE

Together, Temenos and Huawei are redefining the landscape of banking services through their innovative Digital CORE solution.

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Weaving Resilience into the Fabric of Kenanga

Chief Technology Officer at Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad, discusses KIBB’s digital strategy. This article highlights their top priorities and goes into depth regarding the choices they have made while building their data centers.

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Transform Magazine | The Digital Finance Issue

Transform is an online platform for conversations about how technology affects our world.

pointofview financial cloud

Cloud Migration

Superior user experience, unlocked data value, and faster business innovation.

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Hervorragendes Benutzer-Erlebnis, bessere Nutzung wertvoller Daten und schnellere Umsetzung von Innovationen.

Die richtige Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen

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Decisions and Operations

Extract the maximum value from the data you generate by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to derive the actionable insights that fuel better-informed decision making, power service innovation, and accelerate digital transformation.


Cloud Migration

We provide a wide range of cloud migration solutions to help you migrating your core systems to a multi-cloud environment that supports big data, AI, and innovative applications.

Resilient Infrastructure

Resilient Infrastructure

Financial services are evolving to being always online and ubiquitous. In the future, financial institutions need to build a robust and resilient financial digital foundation targeted at "4 Zeros" framework.

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Transaction Core System

Start your transformation journey in the right way with digital banking architecture that's robust enough to support and foster future growth.

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Digital Payment

The cloud-based, pre-integrated Mobile Finance Solution is now actively supporting banks as they bring successful mobile financial services to market.


Digital Engagement

Personalize user engagement through mobile apps and AI, providing your customers with best-in-class innovative services.

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    MWC 2023 Finance Session

    Accelerate Change:Shaping Smarter, Greener Finance Together
    16:00–17:30, February 27, 2023 (Barcelona time, UTC+1/CET)

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    "Go Global"-Programm für Huawei Finanzpartner

    Come together to forge ahead.


Wir setzen führende innovative Technologien sowie unsere Expertise für Ihren Erfolg ein. Wir arbeiten mit Finanzinstitutionen und Systempartnern zusammen und suchen stets nach neuen Wegen, Werte für unsere Kunden zu schaffen.
Ende des Jahres 2023 hatte Huawei über 3600 Kunden im Finanzwesen in mehr als 60 Ländern und Regionen, einschließlich 53 der 100 Top-Banken weltweit. Wir sind ebenfalls strategische Partnerschaften mit mehr als 80 großen Banken, Versicherern und Sicherheitsunternehmen auf der ganzen Welt eingegangen und sind zum vertrauenswürdigen Partner der digitalen Transformation für diese Unternehmen geworden.

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KBTG and Huawei: Building a Robust Data Foundation for Financial Excellence

The bank's digital transformation journey reached a critical milestone through its collaboration with Huawei, addressing complex infrastructure challenges and setting new standards for technological innovation in the financial sector.

HUAWEI Datacom Solution Help City Savings Bank Build Intelligent Network

HUAWEI Datacom Solution Helps City Savings Bank Build Intelligent Network

HUAWEI SD-WAN Lays a Solid Foundation for Digital Transformation for the City Savings Bank.

UnionDigital Bank Launches Financial Services Targeting the Millions of Unbanked Filipinos


Speed to the Cloud: UnionDigital Bank Launches Financial Services Targeting the Millions of Unbanked Filipinos

In August 2023, Huawei partnered up with Sunline to enable UnionDigital Bank in the Philippines build a next-generation core platform for loan services in 35 days.



Financial Services Company Sanlam Enjoys High Returns on Its All-Flash Acceleration

South Africa's Sanlam has transformed into a diversified financial services group with an extensive multi-segment product offering. It provides services and solutions in the areas of insurance, investment, and personal finance.



Kazakhstan's Halyk Bank Upgrades the Digital Service Experience with Huawei OceanStor Dorado All-Flash Storage

Technology and the Internet created an opportunity for banks to meet — indeed, strive to exceed — expectations, offering their customers ever more convenient, efficient, and innovative ways to manage their finances, around the clock.

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Huawei's Pangu Finance OCR Large Model Helps GDRC Easily Recognize Account Information

Pangu finance OCR large model improves field recognition precision from 83.9% to 91% and helps GDRC identify general text across multiple scenarios. The system automatically records the information before someone manually enters and checks it, which used to be done completely manually.

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What Comes Next? Reducing the Costs and Environmental Impact of Banking Services with Storage

Huawei storage provides ABC Tokyo Branch all-round quality and efficient financial services for enterprises of both China and Japan, and promotes the economic and financial cooperation and development between the two countries.

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Heavyweight Indonesian Bank Chooses Huawei Storage to Power Indonesia's Financial Sector

Bank Central Asia has made significant investments in technology to establish centers of excellence in payment settlements and financial solutions. By leveraging real data insights, the bank is able to make informed decisions that enhance the customer experience and improve operational efficiencies.

Bank AlJazira: Enhanced SD-WAN Network to Deliver Secured, Efficient and Consistent Banking Services Across Saudi Arabia

Bank AlJazira: Enhanced SD-WAN Network to Deliver Secured, Efficient and Consistent Banking Services Across Saudi Arabia

To provide the customers secured and high-quality banking services, Bank AlJazira continues its pursuit in transforming into an intelligent bank in this digital era. With Huawei SD-WAN Solution, BAJ accelerated service rollout, reduced O&M costs, ensured smooth service operations, and most importantly, secure customers’ sensitive data.

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Riyad Bank Builds a Reliable Digital Foundation with Huawei OceanStor Dorado

Data is a bank's core asset. Learn how Riyad Bank builds a storage system that is open, resilient, reliable, agile, and easy to maintain.

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TMBThanachart Bank Optimizes Data Infrastructure with an All-Flash Data Center Solution

With its business set for growth, this bank was looking for a high-performance, cost-effective storage solution to handle mass data.

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Yapı Kredi Makes Life Easier for Its Customers with Huawei Storage

The end-to-end solution of Huawei OceanStor Storage ensures Yapı Kredi's significant gains in performance.The upgrade is enabling Yapı Kredi to continue adding new options to next-gen digital payment solutions, and deliver a faster and easier payment experience to customers.

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Kuveyt Türk Bank

Turkey's Kuveyt Türk Bank Manages Data with Ease with Huawei OceanStor Dorado All-Flash Storage

Istanbul-based Kuveyt Türk Bank was facing competitive challenges and needed efficient, high-performance storage to keep pace with data growth and deliver new financial services.

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Thailand's Government Savings Bank

Pursues Its Smart Branch Mission with a Huawei SD-WAN Solution

The powerful Huawei network solution has built an intelligent platform for GSB, helping the bank to realize its smart branch mission.

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DBS Bank

Huawei Awarded the Most Valued Technology Partner of the Year 2020

Huawei is proud to be awarded the Most Valued Technology Partner of the Year 2020 by DBS Bank. Our team has been working closely to meet the bank's evolving requirements and drive digital transformation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Riyad Bank Builds a Reliable Digital Foundation with Huawei OceanStor Dorado

Data is a bank's core asset. Learn how Riyad Bank builds a storage system that is open, resilient, reliable, agile, and easy to maintain.

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Absa Bank

Absa Bank Kenya Partners with Huawei to Build a New Digital Foundation for Branch Networks

The Traditional Branches Connection Solution Hinders the Digital Upgrade of Banks. Who is the “Mr. Right” for this Situation?

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Connecting People with Finance: The Importance of Digital Transformation During the COVID Crisis

Huawei's OceanStor All-Flash Arrays (AFAs) significantly reduced power consumption for devices and cooling systems — by 45% — also slashing maintenance costs by 65%.


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