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oil and gas digitalization

Für die Digitalisierung der Öl- und Gasindustrie

Die Energieindustrie ändert sich gerade umfassend.

Jetzt sind integrierte, umweltfreundliche und kohlenstoffarme Vorgehensweisen gefragt und neue Lösungen sind erforderlich. Die Balance zwischen wirtschaftlichem Wachstum, nachhaltiger Entwicklung und Energiesicherheit hat oberste Priorität.

Die Cloud-Pipe-Edge-Device-Architektur integriert Daten, Verbindungen und Intelligenz, maßgeschneidert für das Ökosystem der Öl- und Gasindustrie. Einige Unternehmen haben bereits Lösungen zur Beschleunigung der digitalen Transformation und eine intelligente Weiterentwicklung eingeführt.

Die Lösungen von Huawei decken jeden Aspekt der Branche ab, von der Förderung und Produktion bis hin zur Ölfeldproduktion, Lagerung und Transport, Raffinerie und chemischer Weiterverarbeitung sowie Öl- und Gashandel. Mit diesen Lösungen können Unternehmen ihre Produktion erweitern, Kosten reduzieren und gleichzeitig die Effizienz verbessern, die Sicherheit erhöhen und Kohlenstoffemissionen reduzieren.


Intelligent E&P

From 5G and advanced storage to high-performance computing and AI, state-of-the-art technologies bring intelligence to oil and gas. They help enterprises conduct more efficient, refined, and intelligent E&P.

Oil and Gas Field Production

Big data, AI, cloud computing, and intelligent connections totally transform traditional oil gas production. They equip enterprises to migrate production processes to the cloud, deploy an intelligent edge, and enable cloud-edge service collaboration for intelligent oil and gas fields.

Intelligent Pipeline

Build secure, reliable, and stable connections characterized by state-of-the-art network security for the SCADA systems of oil and gas pipelines.

Smart Chemicals

Construct a green and efficient smart chemicals using cloud computing, big data, and AI, promoting digital transformation.

Smart Gas Station

Smart gas stations are the future for retail. High-performing connectivity unlocks smart services, management, and marketing, constructing an ecosystem that connects people, vehicles, and daily life.


Changqing Oilfield: Improving Quality with Intelligence and Building Intelligent Wellsites

Changqing Oilfield: Improving Quality with Intelligence and Building Intelligent Wellsites

Changqing Oilfield has been at the forefront of digital and intelligent construction, serving as a pilot unit for CNPC's digital transformation and intelligent development. It aims to embrace new and evolving developments, which will enhance the working environment and methods for frontline oil workers.

Using Mass Data to Open a New Era of Energy Exploration for Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute

Using Mass Data to Open a New Era of Energy Exploration for Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute

Huawei OceanStor mass data storage accelerates data processing of Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute.

CNPC Builds a Cognitive Computing Platform to Promote AI Application in the Oil and Gas Industry

CNPC Builds a Cognitive Computing Platform to Promote AI Application in the Oil and Gas Industry

Learn how AI helps break through bottlenecks in Oil E&P.

Sinopec Jiangsu Builds an Upgraded SD-WAN Network with Huawei iMaster NCE

Sinopec Jiangsu Builds an Upgraded SD-WAN Network with Huawei iMaster NCE

With 5G networks becoming increasingly prevalent and mature, Sinopec Jiangsu has taken the lead to build 5G as backup links to interconnect smart gas stations with data centers, and explore how 5G and SD-WAN technologies can be applied to smart oil stations.

Huawei's Pipeline Fiber Warning Solution Helps Shandong Jihua Gas Improve Pipeline Inspection Efficiency

Oil and Gas, Sensing OptiX Solution,Pipeline Monitoring and Warning

Huawei's Pipeline Fiber Warning Solution Helps Shandong Jihua Gas Improve Pipeline Inspection Efficiency

Digital Pemex Raises Efficiency and Profits

Oil and Gas, Campus Network Solution

Digital Pemex Raises Efficiency and Profits

Huawei HPC Solution Accelerates Efficiency

Oil and Gas, High-Performance Computing Solutions

Huawei HPC Solution Accelerates Efficiency

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