Industry Optical Communication Network
Building a Safe and Reliable Optical Communication Network
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NHP Builds an All-Optical Industry Production Communication Network
As digital transformation progresses, highly reliable data connections need to be established between production modules and devices to securely transfer data, accelerate data collection and processing in production systems, as well as improve productivity and service efficiency.
To this end, production communication networks must provide high availability, bandwidth, and performance so that they can support production activities.
Huawei's industry production optical communication network solution leverages Huawei OptiXtrans series products and the cutting-edge native hard pipe (NHP) technology to build a reliable, simplified, and intelligent optical communication solution and ultimately facilitate the digital transformation of production networks.
It is widely applied in industries like electric power, transportation, and oil & gas, ensuring high security & stability of management and control services via SDH/fgOTN technologies.
The solution uses the NHP technology to enable E2E physical isolation, smooth evolution, and high flexibility and efficiency. It supports stable and reliable operation of power systems.
This solution uses MS-OTN to meet the bandwidth and reliability requirements of oil and gas station network services and provide timely backhaul of production data.
The SE-OTN solution helps industry customers quickly build an all-optical network that features ultra-broadband, high reliability, and easy O&M, providing large transmission capacity for AI-enabled industry production.
In the high-speed railway production network scenario, this solution uses both GSM-R and 5G-R wireless communication technologies to ensure smooth evolution of train control networks.
To address network challenges in the urban rail cloud era, the gray+colored light solution is used to provide ultra-broadband and high-quality optical communication channels and implement converged bearing of different services.
To address challenges amid intelligent highway transformation, MS-OTN is used to provide high bandwidth and high reliability for toll collection, video, and office services.
Mit der MS-OTN-Architektur (Multi-Service Optical Transport Network) und der 4-in-1-Integration von PCM/SDH/PKT/OTN, unterstützt Huawei OptiXtrans E6600 die Weiterentwicklung optischer Übertragungssysteme — Liquid OTN.
Eine große, intelligente, optisch-elektrische integrierte MS-OTN-Plattform für Enterprise ON2.0.
Eine intelligente, rein optische, konvergente Transport-Plattform für Unternehmens-Produktionsnetzwerke, die eine zuverlässige Übertragung der vielen Produktionsdaten zwischen Backbone-, Aggregations- und Rechenzentrums-Netzwerken in großen Städten sicherstellt.
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