  • Smart Urban Rail All-Optical Network

    Urban Rail Optical Communication Solution

    The Agile, Efficient and Reliable Platform to Accelerate Smart Urban Rail Evolution.


  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Architecture
  • Products
  • Resources

Gain the Edge

Continuous Security

High security

• Converged bearing of production services, surveillance videos, advert videos and office services in hard pipes. Physically isolation between services, zero congestion and zero crosstalk.
• TDM and L1 AES256 encryption ensure secure transmission of services.

0158 medical WIFI

High Bandwidth

• 10G/100G/200G per wavelength, 80/96/120 wavelengths per fiber, 800Gbps to 24Tbps per fiber, on-demand allocation and flexible expansion.
• Universal cross-connection of multi planes and One-hop connection to guarantee the deterministic low latency and dedicated bandwidth to ensure zero jitter for the CBTC services.

Intelligent O&M

• The dedicated latency map enables E2E (End to End) manageable, controllable and visualized latency.
• FD (Fiber Doctor) and OD (Optical Doctor) based proactive O&M, ensuring network performance.