Intelligent Highway All-Optical Communication Solution
Lay the network foundation for high security, high reliability, high bandwidth, and easy O&M.
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Networks for the Intelligent Highways of Tomorrow
As highway services evolve, roadside communication networks need to change too. But how?
The increasing number of video monitoring sites being deployed along roadways, allied to the switch from Standard Definition (SD) to High Definition (HD) cameras, means that highway bandwidth needs are now much higher. But the security of core services on communication networks — such as digital toll collection — can never be compromised. And, with heavy usage as traffic flows swell, fiber faults need to be easier to locate, to cut down maintenance costs. What's to be done?
Huawei's All-Optical Communication Network Solution effectively addresses such challenges, delivering high bandwidth, with Optical Transport Network (OTN) devices at the transmission layer fully compatible with existing Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) devices, ensuring smooth bandwidth expansion and evolution without the need to modify existing underlying fiber infrastructure. In addition, the solution integrates both gray light and colored light on the road section transmission network, providing any number of nodes at 10G to 100G — often expressed as N x (10G to 100G) — easily covering the bandwidth needs of highway services.
The solution also delivers the high security and reliability that's now non-negotiable, using the latest fifth-generation Native Hard Pipe (NHP) technology to provide physically isolated hard pipes, ensuring that toll collection, monitoring, and office services are securely transmitted over a single network. And on the roadside access network, the hand-in-hand ring network formed by industrial Optical Network Units (ONUs) provides End to End (E2E) dual-link protection against network storms and multi-point failures, delivering highly reliable access.
Plus, the solution simplifies Operations and Maintenance (O&M), with a built-in intelligent fiber diagnosis board enabling minute-level fault demarcation and meter-level fault locating, slashing onsite maintenance times by as much as 90%.
Gain the Edge
A robust communications network acts as the backbone of smart highways, providing essential network connectivity infrastructure. A Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G) all-optical network lays this foundation. Reliably carrying multiple services over a single network, it's central to the modernization of roadway management and the promotion of high-quality highway development.
An OTN network with any number of 100G nodes — sometimes expressed as N x 100G — transmits data between provincial networking centers and a national-level cloud platform, using ASON to improve network survivability.
N x 100G OTN networking provides large capacity service grooming, transmitting data between road section centers and a provincial networking center, using ASON to improve network survivability.
N x (10G/100G) OTN networking supports the flexible access of toll stations and implements high bandwidth reliable transmission between toll stations and road section centers.
Industrial optical networks provide access to production services, from toll stations and tunnels to roadside video backhaul services.
Huawei OptiXtrans E6600 MS-OTN-Plattform
Mit der MS-OTN-Architektur (Multi-Service Optical Transport Network) und der 4-in-1-Integration von PCM/SDH/PKT/OTN, unterstützt Huawei OptiXtrans E6600 die Weiterentwicklung optischer Übertragungssysteme — Liquid OTN.
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Huawei OptiXaccess EA5801E-GP16
Ein OLT, das nur 1HE Installationsplatz erfordert und alle Service-Anforderungen von Unternehmen erfüllt.
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Huawei OptiXstar MA5621E
Der OptiXstar MA5621E wurde für verschiedene Industrieszenarien entwickelt - beispielsweise Transportwesen oder Stromversorgung - und ist Teil der optischen Netzwerklösung für die Industrie von Huawei. Er bietet netzwerkseitig zwei GPON-Ports und nutzerseitig acht GE-Ports.
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