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Safder Nazir
Discusses the varying developments and development stages of the digital economy in the Middle East, highlighting best practices from across the region.
Kunte Chen,Frank LU
With such a clear development trend, we can find an easy path to achieve digital transformation. The financial industry needs to further accelerate digital transformation to adapt to the changing customer needs and emerging business models.
Peter Kruth
Mit der Normalität von Big Data und künstlicher Intelligenz verändern sich die Speicheranforderungen im Rechenzentrum. Bandbreiten von Hunderten Gigabyte bei Latenzen unter einer Sekunde werden benötigt. Moderne verteilte Dateisysteme können das leisten.
Peter Kruth
Erasure Code, als Nachfolger des traditionellen RAID, steigert die Effizienz im Storage-Backend. Die hohe Flexibilität erleichtert den Betrieb der Storage-Systeme und minimiert den administrativen Aufwand.
Huawei intelligent OptiX Network greatly improves the ports’ working efficiency, emergency response, and continuous operation capabilities in the case of bad weather, making the port an essential part of international shipping is Shanghai.
Safder Nazir
The imapct of digital economy, addresses how, in addition to the measurable impact on GDP, how the Digital Economy contributes non-monetary value. Show the importance of digital economy for all the countries in the world and its impact. Discuss the impact of digital economy on governments and businesses and individuals.
At the 5th International Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Technology and Application (OMTA 2021), Huawei released key technical challenges for optical communications in the next decade. Tang Xiaojun, chief technical planner of Huawei's Optical Business Product Line, said: "Based on our understanding of optical communications, we propose the key technical challenges that may be encountered in the next 10 years and release them to the whole society. We hope that everyone will work together to overcome these challenges and create a brighter future for the optical communications industry."
Peter Kruth
Wohin mit den vielen Daten? Diese Frage dürften sich IT-Entscheider öfter stellen. Die zeitgerechte Antwort ist unser flexibler Scale-out Storage Huawei OceanStor Pacific.