One ISP One Network
Unleashes Network Value Through Architecture Innovation
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Vereinfacht den effizienten Betrieb von Netzwerken für Unternehmen und Behörden.
To Cope with the challenges from 5G and Cloud Service, Huawei provide CloudBackbone Solution. It is based on Ultra-Broadband, to construct a Simplified Network architecture, and enable network intelligence capacity with NCE. Huawei NCE (Network cloud Engine) enables intelligence capacity of the network to implement proactive O&M and network automation, and make a non-congestion, self-healing Network.
The private line and home broadband optical network solution uses the mainstream 200G/400G backbone network to meet surging bandwidth traffic demands due to enterprise service cloudification and digital transformation, enabling ISPs to upgrade their backbone networks.
Mit funktionsreichen Produkten und innovativen Lösungen hilft die FTTH-Lösung von Huawei den Kunden, Chancen zu nutzen und eine differenzierte Service-Entwicklung sowie eine Umsatzsteigerung zu erreichen.