Resilient Infrastructure
Redefine resilience for banks in the digital era with 4 Zeros.
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Build Resilience with 4 Zeros
Digital financial services, represented by real-time payments, are flourishing. So, financial technology is changing in order to keep pace, moving toward open architecture and the cloud. Elsewhere, generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly in key areas such as financial engagement and software development.All of these changes pose new challenges to resilience, which must be redefined and consolidated, in order to better accelerate intelligence. Today, this means ensuring zero-downtime high availability for financial services, a zero-wait user experience, zero-touch operations, and zero-trust service and data security. This is Bank 4 Zeros and it's critical to building comprehensive resilience in the digital era.
Zero Downtime
Based on the cross-domain collaboration of storage, computing, optical transmission, networks, the cloud, and databases, active-active/multi-active Disaster Recovery (DR) infrastructure ensures 99.999% service availability and 24/7 financial services. This is zero downtime.Zero Trust
Based on the zero-trust security model, a multi-layer in-depth protection solution is constructed through firewall-computing-storage-network-cloud collaboration, minimizing the interruption caused by ransomware and data leakage.Zero Touch
Based on AI and digital twin technologies, zero touch implements self-driving infrastructure Operations and Maintenance (O&M), realizing zero manual configuration errors, fault detection within 1 min, fault location within 3 min, and fault recovery within 5 min.Zero Wait
Based on cloud-native infrastructure featuring containers and microservices, services can be rolled out in days and updated in hours. Applications can be transferred across clouds in seconds, ensuring a consistent user experience.Financial Data Center
High Availability
Protect your key financial services through disaster recovery, backup, and archiving.
Data Security
Secure your data with our solutions that detect and defend against network attacks, protect data, and quickly recover services.
Intelligent O&M
Enable your IT infrastructure to self-heal and self-optimize through O&M driven by AI and data.
Data Center Virtualization
Reduce OPEX and integrate your data center resources through dynamic allocation and scheduling along with automatic deployment.
Financial Campus
Access an unmatched network experience with our two-layer architecture and lightweight O&M (eSight on PC).
Streamline collaboration across teams at both HQ and branches through reliable and intelligent conferencing.
Stories of Success
HiFS Frontier Forum 2024 Playback
Huawei’s Tsui King:
Huawei’s Steven Zhao:
Huawei’s Michael Fan:
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