Smart Transportation
Enjoy smooth mobility and frictionless logistics by embracing a digital, intelligent future.
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Empower Digital and Intelligent Transportation
Smart transportation is no longer some grand goal or abstract theory: it’s already being implemented today. Standing at the forefront of innovation in this new field, choose Huawei to bring sensing to transport systems, which combine with computing and storage power to drive infrastructure forward.
Working with customers and partners, Huawei is committed to laying a digital and intelligent foundation for comprehensive transportation and logistics systems. Remote, automated management and control smooths the connection of people, vehicles, goods, yards, and stations. Such a foundation promotes secure and efficient operations across supply and industry chains, extending what each sector can achieve. This smart approach to transportation boosts the capacity of what can be delivered, in turn increasing the contribution that transportation services make to the economy as a whole.
Choose Huawei's digital and intelligent ICT infrastructure to make your port processes greener, more efficient, and safer than ever before.
Huawei uses ICTs such as 5G, cloud computing, and AI to bolster smart land port construction.
Huawei's Smart Railway Solutions Drive Industry Digitalization
Huawei works with partners to build an integrated solution that integrates application systems such as secure production and internal and external services by a simplified and reliable operation communication network, an efficient and agile urban rail cloud platform. Huawei Smart Urban Rail Solution comprehensively improves industry security, efficiency, and experience and facilitates digital transformation of the urban rail industry.
Huawei пропонує своє рішення Smart Airport, у якому використовується цифрова платформа Huawei Horizon. Рішення Smart Airport Solution фокусується на трьох бізнес-областях аеропорту: управління операціями, безпека та послуги. Створюючи два рішення для конкретних сценаріїв - One ID Solution та One Map-Based Airport Operations, рішення Huawei для інтелектуальних аеропортів оптимізує потоки пасажирів та рейсів. Цей процес значно підвищує якість обслуговування пасажирів та ефективність роботи аеропорту.
Real-World Success
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