WAN orientado a futuro
Con capacidades de transmisión eficiente, WAN da rienda suelta al potencial de los datos y la potencia de cómputo
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Productos, soluciones y servicios empresariales
WAN ingresa a la era 3.0
Las redes de área amplia (WAN) conectan los sitios de producción, como campus, sitios empresariales, centros de datos y nubes. La nubificación de los servicios gubernamentales y empresariales, así como la digitalización de las industrias, impulsan la evolución de las WAN de un sistema de soporte a un sistema de producción y sirve a la producción de las empresas, oficinas y servicios de gestión. Conforme las operaciones unificadas orientadas a los servicios van ganando ímpetu, las WAN ingresan a la era 3.0.
Talking Points
One City One Network
One City One Network is a top-level design architecture of city networks. It has a flexible architecture and is future-oriented, intelligent, stable, secure, and reliable. The architecture supports integrated planning, unified construction, and unified operations, boosting the digital productivity of cities.
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One Enterprise One Network
The service-driven One Enterprise One Network architecture is planned from a global perspective following a comprehensive and top-level design blueprint. The architecture provides one-stop services and operations and accelerates intelligent upgrade of enterprises through three evolution modes.
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Service-Oriented e-Gov. Network
e-Gov. networks are evolving toward intensive construction and service-oriented operations. Through servitization, customers can build premium networks and maximize network value, as well as form a positive cycle of business and technology, facilitating innovation and development of digital government.
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One ISP One Network
One ISP One Network is the top-level architecture of ISP networks. The innovative architecture features hierarchical decoupling, high efficiency, and security. Architecture innovation unleashes network value.
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Portafolio de soluciones
Build an urban optical network and an e-Gov. bearing network that feature wide coverage, converged service bearing, and differentiated services to achieve intensive construction and service-oriented operations of government networks.
Amid the digital transformation in industries such as transportation and energy, build resilient, reliable, intelligent, and service-oriented IP & Optical production networks to facilitate such digital transformation.
With large enterprises implementing service cloudification, build an intent-driven, elastic, stable, and agile enterprise office network to help enterprises quickly migrate services to the cloud and provide differentiated experience assurance.
Build an ultra-high-bandwidth and low-latency DCI network to overcome space limitations and unleash computing power.
Historias de éxito