Network Smart-cockpit
Enabling Efficient Operations of Government and Enterprise
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Network Smart-cockpit
As wide area networks move towards service-oriented operations, more and more network services are emerging, with distinct requirements on networks. The operations department needs a powerful intelligent operations and maintenance platform to continuously improve network service capabilities.
Similar to automobiles that have evolved from traditional cockpits to smart cockpits, network servitization also needs smart cockpits in the pursuit of higher degrees of intelligence and automation as well as better experience with network services.
The network cockpit complies with the service-oriented trend of government and enterprise networks, facilitating efficient network operation.
Architecture of Network Smart-cockpit
iMaster NCE-IP
A core component of the Huawei IP WAN solution that maximizes the value of networks, with flexible and robust management capabilities, for the rapid deployment and provisioning of VPN services on WANs.
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iMaster NCE-T
iMaster NCE-T is a key facilitator in Huawei's intelligent optical network solution, and applicable to a variety of transmission network scenarios like backbone, metro, and enterprise access.
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