  • Gobierno digital

    Optimización de la infraestructura digital nacional:
    impulsar la transformación digital de los servicios públicos

  • Descripción
  • Soluciones
  • Casos de éxito
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Full Government Connectivity and Easily Accessible Services

As information technology penetrates into all aspects of social and economic life, countries around the world have incorporated digital transformation into their national strategies. Digital infrastructure is the key to support national digital transformation, including cloud computing infrastructure and network infrastructure. The computing power system of the former guarantees the orderly operation of the digital space, while the communication channel of the latter provides high efficient information transmission. In terms of cloud infrastructure construction, as the world's only provider of full-stack cloud data center solutions, Huawei has helped governments around the world build over 700 green, intelligent, secure and reliable cloud data centers. In terms of network infrastructure construction, Huawei provides solutions covering four scenarios: Government Backbone Network, State and City Government MAN, Government Campus Network, and Inclusive Connectivity to achieve “Internet for All”.


National Digital Infrastructure

For national ICT construction departments and informatization companies, such as the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Digital Development, Huawei launches multiple scenario-based solutions from the perspectives of national cloud infrastructure and network infrastructure to help customers build a national digital foundation for the digital society.

Digitalization of Ministries

For ministry customers such as the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Social Security, and tax bureaus, Huawei provides ICT infrastructure products and solutions to meet their digital transformation business requirements, ensuring service stability, optimal experience, and higher operation efficiency.

Digitalization of Local Governments

For government office, governance, and public services efficiency enhancement, Huawei provides the State and City Government MAN Solution, Government Campus Network Solution, and e-Government Data Storage Solution to help customers implement government digital strategies and improve city governance.

Juntos creamos valor social

En línea con el compromiso de "Mejora de la infraestructura digital nacional, aceleración de la transformación digital de los servicios públicos", Huawei se ha centrado en escenarios empresariales y ha personalizado continuamente soluciones gubernamentales basadas en escenarios a partir de productos y carteras de productos avanzados e innovadores. A finales de 2022, Huawei había cooperado con clientes de más de 700 ciudades en más de 100 países y regiones, incluidos Brasil, Ghana, Nigeria, Arabia Saudí, Sudáfrica, España, Suecia, Tailandia y EAU, para ayudar a los gobiernos a transformarse digitalmente, desarrollar la economía digital y mejorar el valor digital. Mientras tanto, Huawei sigue mejorando la eficiencia de los servicios públicos con ciencia y tecnología, y ofrece servicios avanzados, administración coordinada y toma de decisiones con rigor científico.

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