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Mithilfe der Digitalisierung wollen Unternehmen langfristig nachhaltiger wirtschaften. Neben den ökonomischen Vorteilen setzen sich immer mehr Branchen auch die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit zum Ziel.
Emir Halilovic
Sun Bo
Data center interconnect (DCI) serves as the foundation of enterprise digital transformation. DCI networks carry increasing amounts of services and require higher reliability.
Yang Feng
Automobiles have been around for more than a century. In the early days, it took 728 man-hours to assemble just one automobile, making it impossible to meet the market demand. After Ford invented the assembly line, that time was shortened to a mere 90 minutes. With such improved efficiency, the go-to-market (GTM) time of automobiles was greatly shortened and the assembly cost was reduced, making it possible for almost every home to have an automobile.
Dai Ren
With the rapid development of big data, cloud computing, and mobile Internet, more and more enterprises are opting to build multiple data centers, with the traffic between them steadily increasing.
Zheng Shaorong
Cloud services are a shared economy in the IT industry, while data centers are the carriers of these services. Due to limited land resources and equipment room space, data centers are increasingly deployed in a distributed manner, requiring WDM technology to connect them to provide unified services.
Liu Runing
In den letzten zehn Jahren haben sich die Rechenzentrumsdienste von webzentriert zu cloudzentriert verlagert. Heute bewegen sie sich von der Ära des Cloud Computing in die intelligente Ära.
Emir Halilovic
Data center interconnect (DCI) solutions have taken the optical transport market by storm, driven by webscale and Internet content providers' bandwidth demands. As customer demands on DCI solutions evolve, the design of these compact modular systems needs to evolve as well.