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    Huawei Simplified All-Flash Data Center

    Flash Forward, Best IT Product Combo


  • Overview
  • Why Huawei
  • Solutions
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  • Case Studies
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Why You Need a Simplified All-Flash Data Center

Every Small- and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) faces the same challenges, from outdated technologies and limited budgets to data silos that erect barriers on the road to digital transformation. Many, for example, still store data using Hard Disk Drive (HDD)-based storage, which often leads to performance issues and reliability bottlenecks. That's not easy to remedy if financial constraints prevent sufficient investment in more advanced technologies. Scattered systems, siloed services, and inefficient data flow also impede the improvement of enterprise operation efficiency. Huawei Simplified All-Flash Data Center uses all-flash storage devices to provide higher performance and reliability. The optimized data center solution blends affordability with a unified data management platform and simplified architecture to break down data silos, helping SMEs successfully achieve digital transformation.

  • Flash Forward

    All-flash storage replaces traditional HDD-based storage, offering far better performance and higher reliability. Technological advances and large-scale production have significantly reduced the cost of all-flash storage, making it more accessible than ever before.
    The simplified all-flash data center gives SMEs easy access to future-proofed storage with high reliability that improves service response speeds and, with that, competitiveness.
  • Full Stack

    SMEs can purchase all full-stack Information Technology (IT) components for data center construction from Huawei, vastly simplifying the procurement process. This also ensures full system compatibility and optimal performance, making data center construction and maintenance far easier.
  • Simple

    From product design and deployment to management, the solution is optimized to the unique needs of SMEs. The easy-to-use data center reduces technical requirements, offering easier deployment allied with intelligent management, which improves the efficiency of Operations and Maintenance (O&M). This lowers the need for specialized IT staff, allowing SMEs to focus on their core services—what they do best—improving overall productivity.
  • Affordable

    An optimized hardware design and data reduction algorithms, in conjunction with energy-saving features and intelligent O&M and management, deliver high performance and reliability. SMEs can now benefit from all-flash storage that costs almost the same as hybrid flash storage, reducing data center Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX). Advanced technologies that directly support business growth are now more accessible than ever before, boosting Return on Investment (ROI).

Informes y reconocimientos

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Huawei es designado Líder en el Magic Quadrant de Gartner® para almacenamiento primario por 8.o año consecutivo.

Gartner Peer Insights
Gartner Peer Insights

Huawei es designado "Elección de los clientes" para almacenamiento primario con su almacenamiento all flash OceanStor.

storage dcig why huawei pc 3 002

OceanStor Dorado 8000/18000 obtiene un sitio en el informe 2023–24 DCIG TOP 5 para arreglos de almacenamiento de alta gama.


OceanStor Dorado es el primer producto de almacenamiento que obtiene el certificado DEKRA Product Carbon Footprint y un certificado DEKRA Seal.

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Evaluator Group

Recomienda OceanStor Dorado como una opción atractiva para las empresas que buscan un almacenamiento NAS.

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Un análisis de TCO de cinco años que muestra que OceanStor Dorado reduce el costo total de propiedad un 78%.

Huawei Simplified All-Flash Data Center Solution

  • Healthcare Healthcare Healthcare


  • Education Education Education



Support intelligent healthcare services with state-of-the-art hospital information systems.


Promote innovative teaching methods and inclusive, high-quality education.


OceanStor Dorado 2000

OceanStor Dorado 2000

Entry-Level All-Flash Tailored to SMEs Requiring a Capacity of Less Than 50 TB.

OceanStor Dorado 3000

OceanStor Dorado 3000

OceanStor Dorado 3000 is a simple, easy-to-use, and cost-effective entry-level all-flash storage system, widely applied in non-core service scenarios.

OceanStor Dorado 2100

OceanStor Dorado 2100

Entry-level all-flash storage system which is widely used in enterprise office scenarios such as file sharing, data backup, and multi-point file synchronization.

oceanprotect x8000 x9000 overview

OceanProtect Backup Storage

Backup Storage is used as target storage or as an integrated appliance, delivering efficient backup and recovery at a lower TCO.

OceanStor 5310/5510 Capacity Flash Storage

OceanStor 5310/5510 Capacity Flash Storage

• Up to 128 controllers
• Up to 2TB Cache per controller enclosure
• Up to 16PiB effective capacity per controller enclosure

datacenter virtualization list

Virtualización para centros de datos (DCS)

DCS de Huawei construye infraestructuras para centros de datos ligeras, flexibles, diversificadas y abiertas para las empresas, que abre el camino a la digitalización.

FusionCube 1000 Hypervisor & Data

FusionCube 1000 Hypervisor & Data

Data storage infrastructure — based on converged architecture that pre-integrates a distributed storage engine, virtualization software, and cloud management software — that is predominantly used in Hybrid workloads scenarios.

DME IQ Intelligent Cloud O&M Platform

DME IQ Intelligent Cloud O&M Platform

Huawei DME IQ offers automatic fault reporting, capacity, performance, and disk fault prediction, along with real-time problem handling tracking, for easy data center O&M.

All-Flash Storage

All-Flash Storage

OceanStor Dorado All-Flash Storage provides innovative hardware, multi-level reliability, scale-out capabilities, and easy management to accelerate your DX journey.

OceanStor Pacific 9920

OceanStor Pacific 9920

An all-flash SSD scale-out storage system that features one node per 2 U chassis, offering outstanding performance and flexible component configurations to meet the access requirements of diverse structured and unstructured data workloads.

Real-World Success

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El banco TMBThanachart optimiza su infraestructura de datos con una solución de centros de datos all flash

Con sus negocios listos para crecer, este banco buscaba una solución de almacenamiento de alto rendimiento y redituable para manejar los datos masivos.

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La infraestructura TIC de última generación soporta el sistema de seguridad social en línea de Marruecos

El almacenamiento de los pagos de seguridad social es un aspecto importante que garantiza la sustentabilidad de los programas de seguridad social. CNSS de Marruecos elige la solución OceanStor Dorado para que su negocio tenga una infraestructura de almacenamiento de alto rendimiento y segura capaz de otorgar el nivel de rendimiento y disponibilidad que se requiere para crecer y tener éxito en el panorama digital actual.

ankabut education pacific banner bequoted


Ankabut de los EAU mejora su plataforma de HPC con Huawei

Ankabut y Huawei han trabajado juntos para mejorar las capacidades de cómputo de alto rendimiento (HPC) con las soluciones de almacenamiento con escalamiento horizontal. Esta colaboración contribuye para alcanzar las metas de liderazgo en investigación y educación de los EAU, así como impulsar el progreso y la innovación en diversas industrias de la región.

Switzerland's CSTI Secures Data and Business Integrity with OceanProtect Backup Storage


CSTI de Suiza garantiza la integriadad de los datos y los negocios con el almacenamiento de respaldo OceanProtect

CSTI aloja y gestiona sistemas de tecnología de la información para clientes, eligió el almacenamiento de copia de seguridad de gran capacidad OceanProtect X8000 de Huawei, para contribuir el la recuperación rápida de datos perdidos y garantizar la continuidad de la actividad empresarial.

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Astra International Improves Decision Analysis Efficiency with Huawei’s All-Flash Storage

Just as we expected, Huawei’s all-flash storage solution help us get through business peaks, improved the timeliness of the analysis system, and enhanced our overall decision-making efficiency.

Saint-Luc Hospital Implements HyperMetro


Saint-Luc Hospital Implements HyperMetro

Huawei’s HyperMetro SAN and NAS active-active solution helped Saint-Luc, the largest French-speaking hospital in Belgium, lower their cost of storage maintenance by 50%, achieve 24/7 stability, and double the efficiency of reading files.


Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc eleva el cuidado de los pacientes con el almacenamiento de Huawei

Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc es el hospital más grande de Bruselas y uno de los principales en Europa con reconocimiento en todo el mundo gracias a sus investigaciones clínicas.

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¿Qué sigue? Reducir el costo e impacto ambiental de los servicios bancarios con el almacenamiento

El almacenamiento de Huawei proporciona servicios financieros eficientes y de calidad total en la sucursal Tokio del banco ABC para empresas tanto en China como en Japón; además, promueve la economía y la cooperación y desarrollo financieros entre ambos países.

