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ファーウェイのインテリジェントOptiXネットワーク戦略は、インテリジェントで簡素化されたウルトラブロードバンドで、ユビキタスな次世代オールオプティカルネットワークを構築し、すべての人、家庭、組織に、質の高いサービスエクスペリエンスをもたらすことを目指しています。ファーウェイのIndustry OptiX、Single OptiX、Sensing OptiX、DC OptiX、Campus OptiXのシナリオ向けに設計された重要な製品シリーズが、この戦略を実現します。
Embrace These Three Optical Trends Alongside F5G-A
Over the next decade, the optical industry is set to commit to a clear strategy: 3-In 3-Out.
In homes and campuses, optical fibers will replace copper cables: Fiber-In Copper-Out. This is key to making new advances.Elsewhere, on the industry production networks of, for example, electric power and transportation enterprises, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) is evolving toward fine-grain Optical Transport Network (fgOTN). This is referred to as fgOTN-In SDH-Out. And, in security inspection scenarios such as pipeline and perimeter inspection, manual onsite operations will be replaced by intelligent operations based on optical sensing: Optical-Sensing-In Hard-Work-Out.
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has already released the Fifth Generation Fixed Network-Advanced (F5G-A) standard, which specifies the technical direction for the evolution of the optical industry. By embracing both 3-In 3-Out and F5G-A, the Huawei Intelligent OptiX Network Solution is designed for diverse industries, extending optical fibers from homes to rooms, from factories to machines, from offices to desktops, and from communication to sensing. This is what is helping to deploy all-optical everywhere, ushering in an intelligent world.
It's simple. In a 10 Gbit/s campus, copper-based network cables simply cannot support high-speed Wi-Fi 7. Therefore, copper cables must be replaced with optical fibers.
As a new generation network standard, fgOTN is replacing SDH, helping to build an industry communication network that has high bandwidth, flexibility, security, and reliability, especially for energy and transportation enterprises.
As optical fiber and spectrum sensing technologies mature, arduous outdoor work can be taken inside. For example, staff are empowered to perform remote intelligent operations during oil and gas pipeline and perimeter inspection.