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Zhang Lei
Huawei launched Wi-Fi 6 Advanced Solution ideal for building speedy, stable, and smart wireless network. This innovative solution extends Wi-Fi 6 from workplaces to production environments, enabling flexible production, unstaffed factories, and least-staffed production lines.
Safder Nazir
Summary of digital economy articles. Discuss the importance of digital economy, and it's implications to the Middle East.
Peter Kruth
Downtime (with an average of 21 days*) is the most costly aspect of a ransomware attack. See how Huawei OceanProtect’ s Continuous Data Protection helps achieve a data recovery point of within 3 seconds before the attack to ensure your business continuity.
Safder Nazir
The digital economy will contribute to the growth and recovery of economies worldwide, with the cloud and AI playing a central role in the Middle East.
Alaa Elshimy,Lv Gongxun
Global carbon goals are driving change in the oil and gas industry. See how digital transformation helps the industry evolve and create new value.
Kevin Tolly
Read The Tolly Group's report on Huawei's lossless Ethernet network — the foundation of the CloudFabric 3.0 Hyper-Converged Data Center Network Solution.
Li Yangming
In the face of potential danger on oil and gas fields, the digitalization of oil and gas campus management can lead to a safer, more secure, and more efficient future.
Cheng Fei
In the second half of 2021, one of the world's most influential Internet companies suffered from a system-wide, global service collapse. As a result, its suite of key social apps was forced offline for more than 24 hours, leaving billions of users stranded.