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    Toutes l'actualité de Huawei Enterprise : news, communiqués, partenariats, etc.

23 2020.09

Five Key Factors for a Future-Oriented Digital Transformation of Electric Power Enterprises

At HUAWEI CONNECT 2020, IDC and Huawei jointly released the white paper for the electric power industry — Building the Future-Ready Power Enterprise: Road to a Successful Digital Transformation.

23 2020.09

Paradigm Shift for Greater Value

At HUAWEI CONNECT 2020, Mr. Peng Zhongyang from Huawei, delivered a keynote speech on the theme of "Paradigm Shift for Greater Value". Peng stated that the shift to a new paradigm of industrial digital transformation is urgently needed for the development of our future intelligent society.

22 2020.09

Campus Network Engine in the Wi-Fi 6 Era- Huawei News

With the advent of the Internet of Everything (IoE) and the cloud era, establishing mobile networks featuring high bandwidth, low latency, and ubiquitous connections becomes a priority. Wi-Fi 6 have become crucial for connectivity in this new era due to its technical advantages.

19 2020.09

Huawei Wi-Fi 6 : sécurité et connectivité

La connectivité est essentielle à la réussite de la transformation numérique car c’est le moyen qui permettra aux entreprises d’évoluer vers un futur monde intelligent. Dans la région de l’Afrique du Nord, Huawei est non seulement un défenseur de la transformation numérique, mais aussi un contributeur aux nouvelles technologies. Le groupe a pour ambition de construire une plateforme ouverte, coopérative et de partage avec une gamme complète de solutions Wi-Fi assurant une couverture globale afin que les entreprises puissent développer leurs activités.

18 2020.09

Stay safe, Stay Connected with Huawei Wi-Fi 6 Solutions

Connectivity is essential for successful digital transformation, which is an unavoidable way for enterprises to move towards the future intelligent world. In Northern Africa Region, Huawei is not only an advocate of digital transformation but also a positive practitioner. Huawei aims to build an open, cooperative, and sharing platform with full array of Wi-Fi solutions that ensure comprehensive coverage under different scenarios so enterprises can stay safe and ahead of the trend.

15 2020.09

Huawei Releases Autonomous Driving Data Center Network Solution White Paper

Huawei releases the Autonomous Driving Data Center Network Solution White Paper, describing autonomous driving network levels, and data center networks.

11 2020.09

Building Digital Guinea

The commercial deployment of the Guinean “Backbone” network, the underwater cable of optical fibre, was officially launched on September 11, 2020 in Conakry. Designed by the Chinese telecom giant Huawei in partnership with French digital spatial planning agency TACTIS, the Backbone infrastructure will be operated by the Guinean backbone management and operation company (SOGEB). The network will connect Guinea with fibre optics over a distance of 4500 kilometres, thus connecting the whole country to a high-speed internet.

11 2020.09

Télécoms : lancement commercial à Conakry du Backbone national

Le Premier ministre, Ibrahima Kassory Fofana, a inauguré, ce vendredi 11 septembre 2020, la commercialisation du Backbone national. La cérémonie d’inauguration s’est tenue au siège de la Société guinéenne d’exploitation du Backbone (SOGEB) à Kipé, dans la commune de Ratoma. 4425 km, c’est la longueur de cette fibre optique qui a atteint les frontières des six pays limitrophes de la Guinée et toutes les préfectures.

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