  • security products pc

    Network Security Products

    Introducing AI-based threat response, software-defined network-security defense, and intelligent security policy optimization, Huawei network security helps mitigate network security risks as customers go digital.


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Why Huawei Network Security?

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AI-Based Proactive Detection

Makes networks far less susceptible to attacks, shifting protection from passive defense to active defense with the threat detection rate at higher than 95%.

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Network-Integrated Security

Comprehensively eliminates network security risks, shifting from node protection to network protection to ensure minimal losses.

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Business-Driven Automatic O&M

Automatically generates and deploys business-driven security policies, helping enterprises and carriers go beyond manual O&M, to intelligent O&M.

Select the Best Product for Your Business


Endpoint Security

Security Situational Awareness and APT Defense

Security Management

DDoS Attack Mitigation


HiSecEngine USG12000 Series AI Firewalls

Combining advanced hardware architecture with a wide array of cutting-edge technologies — from energy conservation to reliability mechanisms and security features — HiSecEngine USG12000 offers highly accurate, real-time defense against known and unknown threats at the network edge for large data centers and campus networks.

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