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16 2021.12

Dubai South inks deal with Huawei to develop Smart Transportation Ecosystem

[Dubai, UAE, December 16, 2021] Dubai South, the largest single-urban master development focusing on aviation, logistics and real estate has announced a strategic partnership with Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. The new partnership entails the adoption of innovative digital technologies and solutions from Huawei to enable intelligent, connected and sustainable communications infrastructure, data management, transportation, operations, security and other related services at Dubai South.

2 2021.12

Huawei Asia Pacific Launches the Smart Campus Solution to Promote Development of the Smart Campus Industry

[Singapore, December 2, 2021] At the Asia Pacific (APAC) Smart Campus Solution Launch 2021, Huawei released its Smart Campus Solution in the region, inviting industry customers, partners, experts, and medias across APAC to seize the opportunities brought by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the integration of industry forces, in order to jointly promote the development of the smart campus industry.

18 2021.11

Huawei OceanStor Pacific Storage Takes Second Place on the IO500 List

Huawei OceanStor Pacific Storage — released by the Huawei HPDA Lab — took second place on the IO500 list, which is one of the world's most recognized HPC storage performance rankings.

14 2021.11

Huawei Releases the Intelligent Oil & Gas Fields Solution

[United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, November 14, 2021] Huawei hosted its Global Oil & Gas Summit 2021 in Abu Dhabi, themed "Drive Data to Barrel, Embrace Intelligence to Grow". At the summit, Huawei released a new solution – Intelligent Oil & Gas Fields – designed to help oil and gas enterprises to go digital. The solution covers several aspects of digitalization, including campus security, production inspection and predictive maintenance. Using data and intelligence technologies, Huawei is furthering digital transformation and intelligent development across the industry.

10 2021.11

Transformación digital: desarrollar una educación más inteligente

Una conectividad asequible es esencial para lograr que más niños accedan a la educación, reducir la brecha digital y aumentar la alfabetización digital.

5 2021.11

Huawei refuerza su colaboración con Fundae para impulsar la formación digital y la empleabilidad de los españoles

Huawei ha reafirmado su compromiso para seguir impulsando la capacitación digital de los españoles y su nivel de empleabilidad.

3 2021.11

Líderes mundiales reclaman afrontar los desafíos comunes con una actitud receptiva y con confianza en la tecnología

Huawei ha celebrado su evento virtual TrustInTech Summit 2021, bajo el lema “Global Collaboration for Shared Value” (Colaboración global para un valor compartido), en el que ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de coordinar esfuerzos, dejando a un lado las diferencias y generando confianza.

29 2021.10

El Huawei Enterprise Roadshow culmina en Madrid su exitoso recorrido por la geografía española

Tras visitar siete ciudades españolas, el Huawei Enterprise Roadshow 2021 ha finalizado en Madrid su ruta para mostrar el enorme potencial de sus soluciones tecnológicas para ayudar a empresas e instituciones en su proceso de transformación digital.

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