  • Urban Smart Transportation

    Strengthen the network foundation of digital roads to improve management.

Unlock New Value with Digitalized Urban Transportation

Urban transportation management and operations are falling well short of where they need to be, with poor safety supervision records, unsatisfactory traffic jam alleviation tools, slow emergency handling, and unintelligent analysis.

So turn to Huawei solutions for digital road networks and their management, built on state-of-the-art Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Take the next step in the construction of a comprehensive digital transportation management system that's defined by intelligent interaction, connectivity, hubs, and applications.

Huawei and its partners are already working with 600 organizations — including key transportation management and transport departments around the world — committed to creating safer roads, faster transport, greener travel, and an overall higher quality of service. This, in turn, unlocks greater economic and social value across the board.


Urban Traffic Management

Focusing on congestion alleviation and safety management, a digital road network features multi-dimensional awareness, ubiquitous interconnection, and real-time control.

Urban Transportation

Tear down data and service silos through convergence and interconnection, across regions, departments, domains, and transport modes.

Real-World Success