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    Metro Optical Transport Network

    Building All-Optical Infrastructure for Smart Cities


  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Architecture
  • Products


data application services

Precise Network Construction for Specific Services

• Service catalog consulting and design, providing clear guidance for network construction
• Total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis tool for network construction, ensuring optimal return on investment (ROI)
• Precise network construction planning tool, simplifying network construction

Open Architecture

Future-Oriented Simplified Architecture

• 48/96 wavelengths over one optical fiber, meeting future service development requirements
• 99.999% reliability and physical-layer encryption

Intelligent O&M and Visualized Management

• Network Smart-cockpit, simplifying operations and maintenance (O&M)
• Fiber fault locating time shortened from hours to minutes
• Automatic service provisioning as well as visualized and simplified O&M
