AirFlash Train-to-Ground
Data Dump Solution
10 GB in 1 minute, automatic train-to-ground wireless high-speed dump.
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Produits, solutions et services pour les entreprises
AirFlash Train-to-Ground Dump Solution
In smart transportation applications, tens of GB of on-board video and O&M data, such as rail transit trains and ports, must be sent back to the ground control center in a timely, secure, and reliable manner for intelligent analysis and processing. Manual copy is inefficient and secure, and traditional wireless access technologies have low bandwidth. Huawei AirFlash train-to-ground data dump wireless solution is based on 5G wireless communications technology. It features ultra-large capacity, automatic dump, strong interference immunity, strong environment suitability, simple O&M, and security and reliability. Fully meet the requirements for automatic data dump in scenarios such as smart railway, smart urban rail, and smart port.