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    Toutes l'actualité de Huawei Enterprise : news, communiqués, partenariats, etc.

1 2020.04

Huawei Maintains Steady Growth in the Enterprise Market in 2019

Huawei released its 2019 Annual Report yesterday, detailing a solid business performance. The company's global sales revenue in 2019 rounded off at CNY858.8 billion, up 19.1% year-on-year.

1 2020.04

Partner Content: Meet the Huawei global partners - It's game on for Microtest to teach IT skills faster and better

Why make learning a game? Shouldn't it be about hard graft and study? The answer is that games excite and engage people, challenge them, and encourage them to complete tasks. In a competitive, high-stakes world, that's the kind of voluntary participation and commitment that helps both teams and individuals progress.

28 2020.03

مؤسس : «كورونا» سلط الضوء على أهمية الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات فى معالجة الأزمات

أكد رن زينفيه، مؤسس شركة هواوى ورئيسها التنفيذى في تصريحات صحفية ـ بأنه متفائل حيال متابعة الشركة لتحقيق النتائج المرجوة لأعمالها عالميًا على صعيد إنتاج مزيد من الابتكارات وتوفير الحلول والمنتجات للعملاء، لكنه يرى في الوقت ذاته أن أزمة فيروس كورونا قد تؤثر سلبًا على تحقيق النتائج المالية المستهدفة للعام الحالى 2020. وقال رن زينفيه إن أكثر من 90% من موظفين الشركة العاملين في الصين، والبالغ عددهم 150 ألف قد عاودوا عملهم بشكل نظامي، وأن الشركة اختزلت كثيرًا من نشاطات الأعمال التى تتطلب السفر، وتركز حاليًا على قيادة أعمالها من خلال أنظمة الاجتماعات المرئية التى تنتجها الشركة بنفسها، وأن اهتمام الشركة ينصب حاليًا على مساعدة العديد من مورديها وشركائها وعملائها المتأثرين بشكل ملحوظ بأزمة الفيروس، بما في ذلك إمدادهم بالأدوات الطبية اللازمة.

25 2020.03

Partner Content: Why Collaboration with Channel Partners is Key to Huawei’s Growth Strategy

Partnerships can help various enterprises excel, and Huawei is expanding its network to make such collaborations more powerful. Huawei's role includes providing tech talent and driving digital transformation in different markets.

24 2020.03

Huawei est un partenaire solide du Ministère des Finances (tribune)

Le 24 mars, Huawei Technologies (R.D.C) SARL a fait don de fournitures médicales, telles que des masques, des gants de protection et de désinfectant pour les mains, au Ministère des Finances de la République Démocratique du Congo. Les deux parties ont organisé une petite cérémonie de donation au Ministère des Finances. En cas de pneumonie, il convient de prendre les mesures de protection nécessaires.

18 2020.03

Why Wi-Fi 6 is an essential driver of digital transformation

Looking at the challenges and trends in connectivity, this blog series introduces solutions powered by 5G and AI that bring benefits for enterprises along the digital transformation journey.

18 2020.03

Huawei's Next-Generation NetEngine AR Series Enterprise Routers Certified by Tolly to Deliver Industry-Leading Performance

Huawei has recently announced that its next-generation NetEngine AR600 and AR6000 series enterprise routers have passed the comparison test and verification by The Tolly Group, an international authoritative provider of testing and validation. The results showed that Huawei's next-generation NetEngine AR routers outperform competitor offerings, and are equipped to handle the growth in traffic from digital transformation in the next three to five years, leading the way to a new era of ultra-fast interconnection for enterprise WANs.

18 2020.03

Coronavirus emergency: Huawei donates technology and health supplies

The company offers its help to support institutions, healthcare personnel and citizens. It includes medical supplies and technological solutions for connections among hospitals, crisis units, patients and families. Available also wi-fi equipments for temporary hospitals. CEO Thomas Miao: "We are close to Italy in this moment and work with carriers and partners to support the country’s effort "

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