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Produits, solutions et services pour les entreprises
Huawei announced that it has won the "Best Enterprise Wi-Fi Network Award" at the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) Wi-Fi Industry Awards 2020, held during the WBA-organized Wireless Global Congress (WGC) event. This award was given to Huawei's AirEngine Wi-Fi 6 solution for enabling the digital transformation of manufacturing factories.
(HUAWEI) - Huawei, premier fournisseur mondial de solutions TIC, a organisé le jeudi 22 octobre au Caire, une conférence autour du changement de paradigme mondial en matière de transformation numérique. Cette rencontre a permis d’étudier les pistes de réflexion permettant de tendre vers une croissance durable et de soutenir les efforts du gouvernement égyptien dans la réalisation de ce changement dans les secteurs comme l'éducation, la santé, les transports, l'immobilier, les infrastructures, l'énergie et le secteur financier, conformément à la vision de l'Égypte pour 2030.
عقدت شركة هواوي تكنولوجيز مصر، جلسة نقاشية عن النموذج العالمي في التحول الرقمي لخلق نمو مستدام، وتسليط الضوء حول جهود الحكومة المصرية نحو تحقيق هذا التحول في قطاعات مختلفة أهمها التعليم، والصحة، والنقل، بالإضافة الى تطوير البنية التحتية بما يتماشى مع رؤية مصر 2030. حضر الحدث لفيف من إدارة شركة هواوي تكنولوجيز مصر وعلى رأسهمالسيدمايكل لي،رئيس مجموعة المؤسسات بهواوى شمال أفريقيا والمهندسمدحت محمود،مدير الحلول الرأسية بشركة هواوي تكنولوجيز.
President of Huawei Northern African Enterprise Business Group Michael Li said that Huawei businesses in Egypt are a key axis in its future plans in the Middle East and North Africa, asserting that the company abides by its commitments in the Egyptian market and works on offering advanced technological solutions to enable companies and firms in all sectors and industries to support Egypt's digital transformation plans.
Digital solutions can make ‘smart manufacturing’ a reality, combining lean production methods with a seamless flow of data and insight, attendees learned at the Huawei eco-Connect Europe smart manufacturing forum.
On Oct. 20nd and Oct. 21st, Huawei held eco-Connect Europe 2020 exclusively online, under the theme of "New Value Together." The conference focused on the mutually beneficial cooperation between Europe and Huawei. Now, Huawei takes a leading role in the virtual event revolution, focusing on and promoting co-operation between businesses and partners and bringing them new technology solutions in a remote setting.
ICT businesses and partners will congregate virtually for Huawei eco-Connect Europe, which takes place in a fully digital format on 20-21 October.