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    Toutes l'actualité de Huawei Enterprise : news, communiqués, partenariats, etc.

15 2022.03

هواوي الجزائر تطلق أحدث حلولها التكنولوجية بمعرض “ICT” المغاربي

عرضت شركة هواوي الجزائر للاتصالات، خلال مشاركتها في المعرض المغاربي لتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات 2022، الذي تجرى فعالياته بالجزائر العاصمة، أحدث حلولها التكنولوجية المبتكرة، التي تتكيف مع احتياجات السوق الوطنية.

14 2022.03

Huawei Télécommunications Algérie domine au salon ICT Maghreb

Algérie – Huawei Télécommunications Algérie participe au Salon International des Technologies de l’information et de la Communication (ICT Maghreb) et présente son nouveau projet. Découvrez davantage de détails dans les prochains paragraphes de cette édition du lundi 14 mars 2022.

12 2022.03

«هواوى» تشارك فى مؤتمر ومعرض مصر الدولي للبترول «إيجبس 2022»

تشارك«هواوى تكنولوجيز»، فى مؤتمر ومعرض«إيجبس ٢٠٢٢»، الذى يقام فى الفترة من ١٤- ١٦ فبراير ٢٠٢٢ تحت رعاية الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسى، رئيس الجمهورية، حيث تأتى المشاركة بوصفها الراعى البرونزى للمؤتمر، فى إطار استراتيجيتها التى تهدف إلى توفير التقنيات الجديدة فى قطاع الطاقة سعيًا إلى تحويله رقميًا، وذلك فى ضوء دعم الشركة لأهداف الأمم المتحدة للتنمية المستدامة ورؤية مصر ٢٠٣٠.

8 2022.03

Huawei and XData sign an agreement to boost the Data Center industry

[Barcelona, Spain, March 08, 2022] Huawei Digital Power has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the technology company XData Properties, with the aim of collaborating together to boost the Data Center industry. Eric Li, CEO of Huawei Spain, and Santiago Hernández Onís, CEO of XData Properties, have been in charge of signing this agreement in the framework of the Mobile World Congress 2022 in Barcelona. The event was attended by Li Peng, President of Huawei Europe.

4 2022.03

Huawei Unveils CloudFabric Easy Lightweight SDN Solution to Accelerate Cloud Transformation for Small and Midsize DCs

[Barcelona, Spain, March 4, 2022] During the Mobile World Congress (MWC 2022), Huawei unveiled the CloudFabric Easy Solution, which features automation and intelligent O&M and helps small and midsize data center networks to achieve fast cloud transformation. This future-proof solution is ideal for sectors such as retail and postal customers with insufficient O&M manpower.

4 2022.03

Huawei CloudCampus 3.0 Redefines Campus Networks with Superfast User Experience and Superfast Access to Clouds

[Barcelona, Spain, March 4, 2022] During the Mobile World Congress (MWC 2022), Huawei unveiled its newly upgraded CloudCampus 3.0 Solution at the IP Club Carnival, and in doing so took a major step in redefining campus networks. CloudCampus 3.0 redefines campus access by offering "300 Mbps @ Everywhere", redesigns the campus network architecture from three layers to two layers, and rethinks cloud access for branches through site-to-cloud leased lines, doubling cloud access efficiency.

4 2022.03

Huawei Unveils All-New CloudEngine HAM Data Center Switches

[Barcelona, Spain, March 4, 2022] During the Mobile World Congress (MWC2022), Huawei unveiled two all-new CloudEngine high availability multicast (HAM) data center switches — CloudEngine 8850-HAM and CloudEngine 6860-HAM, which are ideal for the securities, insurance, and high-end manufacturing sectors, helping enterprises build large-scale production and transaction systems.

2 2022.03

Huawei's Richard Jin Proposes "FIBERS" Concept for Industrial Digitalization

[Barcelona, Spain, March 2, 2022] At the Mobile World Congress 2022 (MWC 2022), Richard Jin, Vice President of Huawei and President of the Optical Business Product Line, delivered a keynote speech titled "Green Intelligent OptiX Network, Lighting Up the Way to Industrial Digitalization". In the speech, Richard proposed the "FIBERS" concept for industrial digitalization and released the Green Intelligent OptiX Network for enterprises.

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