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  • Elanta revolutionises home connectivity through FTTH technology

    Elanta Revolutionises Home Connectivity Through FTTH Technology

"As the leading fibre optic wholesale neutral infrastructure company in Spain, we closely follow market demands and the latest technical advances." Andrea Liboreiro, CEO of Elanta

Elanta revolutionises home connectivity through FTTH technology

Almost 20 years have passed since the first FTTH network was deployed in Spain. Since then, companies operating within the telecommunications industry have sought to bring the best connectivity to the end user, delivering faster and better networks. However, these improvements often involve expensive and tedious infrastructure manipulation.

Together with Huawei, Elanta has therefore set out to address these challenges and create a revolutionary FTTH network, using technology that offers high-quality, high-capacity connectivity previously reserved for large companies and bringing it to the residential market.

Up to 150 times faster

With this goal in mind, the neutral fibre optic operator Elanta has deployed a new technology that offers speeds between 50 and 150 times faster than usual in the residential market.

This new technology enables any business or home to have high-quality, high-capacity fibre to the home (FTTH) technology connectivity that was previously reserved exclusively for large organisations through dedicated infrastructure. This connectivity has been tried and tested in a real-world environment, and offers significant speed changes over today’s fibre optics.

An added advantage of 50GPON over FTTH is that it does not require modifications to networks which operators already have deployed. All that is required is the installation of a new card in the OLT (optical local centre), which ensures increased speed in simultaneous connections of up to 50 Gbps symmetrical, 50GPON and 10 Gbps symmetrical in XGSPON technology over the already installed infrastructure. This equates to a qualitative and quantitative improvement in network speed, with minimal installation.

Test details in collaboration with Huawei

Elanta’s FTTH network verification has been performed in collaboration with Huawei technology on an existing access platform. Tests have shown that after the installation of Elanta, very high speed and ultra-low latency have been achieved, which equates to an exponential improvement in connection immediacy, ensuring speed within each of the services connected to the network. As a result, Elanta and Huawei have demonstrated that the 50 Gbps FTTH system can coexist with the XGSPON network (10 Gbps) and evolve seamlessly. This provides a solid and efficient foundation for the deployment of the 50 Gbps FTTH network on a global scale. This is a key step in leading industry advancement and joint technological innovation.

The results obtained from this field test reflect a significant improvement in latency (the time it takes for a data packet to be transmitted over the network): whereas previously, the average time stood at 11 milliseconds, after the FTTH network was installed, this figure went down to 0,075 milliseconds. This equates to a 99% improvement in speed.

In light of this milestone, Andrea Liboreiro, CEO of Elanta said: "As a leading neutral fibre optic wholesale infrastructure company in Spain, we closely follow market demands and the latest technical advances. Our pursuit of higher bandwidths, better latencies and new service deployments in the enterprise space allows us to continue to expand our range of services and accelerate the digital transformation with next-generation networks. In this way, Elanta’s network is ahead of the curve when it comes to meeting new market needs."

This improvement in bandwidth and latency by Elanta and Huawei will in future enable improved connectivity, for example, between mobile telephone masts, whether rural or urban, using FTTH infrastructure.

"As the leading fibre optic wholesale neutral infrastructure company in Spain, we closely follow market demands and the latest technological advances. Our pursuit of higher bandwidths, better latencies and new service deployments in the enterprise space allows us to continue to expand our range of services and accelerate the digital transformation with next-generation networks. In this way, Elanta’s network is ahead of the curve when it comes to meeting new market needs."

Andrea Liboreiro

CEO Elanta