Xinghe Intelligent Ultra-Resilient Multi-DC Network
Empowering Enterprises with Best-in-Class Fault-Tolerant and Always-on Services
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Xinghe Intelligent Ultra-Resilient Multi-DC Network
With the rapid advancement of digital transformation, enterprise data centers are increasingly focused on disaster recovery. Factors such as business continuity, regulatory compliance, and natural disasters are driving the need for disaster recovery upgrades in these data centers. According to Gartner, the complete loss of enterprise data assets can result in significant downtime for service systems, with approximately 60% of enterprises facing failure as a consequence. Additionally, industry regulations impose stringent requirements on disaster recovery capabilities.
In response to enterprises' disaster recovery upgrades, Huawei offers the Xinghe Intelligent Ultra-Resilient Multi-DC Network Solution, leveraging high-performance CloudEngine series switches and the iMaster NCE intelligent management and control platform to achieve easy deployment, intelligent O&M, high reliability, and evolvable capability.
In response to enterprises' disaster recovery upgrades, Huawei offers the Xinghe Intelligent Ultra-Resilient Multi-DC Network Solution, leveraging high-performance CloudEngine series switches and the iMaster NCE intelligent management and control platform to achieve easy deployment, intelligent O&M, high reliability, and evolvable capability. This empowers enterprises with best-in-class fault-tolerant and always-on services.
iMaster NCE-Fabric
iMaster NCE-Fabricは、管理、制御、分析、およびAI機能を統合したネットワーク自動化およびインテリジェンスプラットフォームで、ビジネスの意図を効率的に物理ネットワークの構成およびポリシーに変換します。
iMaster NCE-FabricInsight
ファーウェイのiMaster NCE-FabricInsightは、データセンターネットワーク向けのインテリジェントな分析プラットフォームです。ビッグデータ分析技術に基づき、ユビキタスなネットワークアプリケーション分析と視覚化されたプレゼンテーションをユーザーに提供し、アプリケーションとネットワークの境界をなくします。