Huawei’s ETTH Solution Upgrades LüneCom’s IP Networks
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LüneCom is a network operator authorized by the German Federal Network Agency. The company has operated as an ISP and carrier since 1995, providing fast Internet access in various regions. LüneCom has its own network which ranges from across the Northern Frisian Islands over Hamburg to Amelinghausen in the Lüneburg region. The company works together with many reliable partners across Germany and internationally for commercial customers.
LüneCom was looking for a flexible End-to-End (E2E) solution to upgrade its metro network in order to deal with long-term bandwidth requirements and a fast increase in participants. Aggregation and access to the Ethernet-based network, as well as seamless evolution from 10G and 40G, needed to be supported. They developed the following requirements:
The Ethernet-based FTTH solution offers the required high connection bandwidth for all IP metro networks and to offer various services.
Huawei’s ETTH solution makes it possible to transfer multi-play services at the same time for households, corporate VPN services, and cell phone services with ultra-broadband, entire L2 and L3 functional scope, high availability, simple maintenance, and 30 percent less electricity consumption.
The aggregation and access layers consist of high-performance S6720-EI enhanced 10 GE switches and S5700-LI link aggregation.
The all IP-Ethernet network can transmit various services at the same time. LüneCom provides networking across Germany and internationally with the new networks. Flexible architecture and high bandwidth ensure that LüneCom can extend its bandwidth services to new markets, especially to rural areas or regions with poor network coverage. This provides additional added value in covered communities and commercial parks.