Net Services Builds Its Own DCI Network with Huawei DC OptiX
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By 2025, the German Government considers nationwide expansion of gigabit networks as a priority goal, and the goal is to expand fiber infrastructure in each region and community.
As one of major network service providers, 'net services' has been operating and even building broadband networks nationwide. Since 2011, it offers full-service operator models from planning to product design and marketing, as well as the network construction, customer activation and support through to the operation of the network infrastructure, such as high-speed Internet, IP Telephony, Digital-TV, and Customer Management Platform. In region, 'net services' has been running a couple of its own data centers for providing professional services to customers. Considering the rapid growth of service data, it is critical to establish a connectivity for keeping data always online and flowing smoothly across data centers. Obviously, optical Data Center Interconnect (DCI) is a better solution.
In fact, 100G and even 200G interfaces on DCI networks is adapted for the future business expansion of 'net services'. In accordance with the investment calculation, it is clear that leasing 100G (even beyond) bandwidth from carriers will raise much higher total cost of ownership(TCO) than building self-owned optical DCI connectivity with only leasing dark fibers. Clearly, an innovative technology of optical connectivity is required to support self-built DCI to meet the surging traffic bearing requirements of today and future.
As a long term partner of 'net services', Huawei provided its DC OptiX solution — based on Huawei OptiXtrans E6608T — for the self-built DCI network and bringing greater value. The DC OptiX solution is providing a single-wavelength 200G large-bandwidth and 200 km long-distance DCI solution through Hamburg, Schneverdingen, and Hankensbüttel. This solution also offers the rapid upgrade of DCI optical-layer capabilities on the live network and avoids the need to lease new optical fibers.
Parallelly, the DC OptiX solution also offers valuable features and improves the overall competitiveness of 'net services' data center capabilities.
Now, based on the self-built DCI network powered by Huawei's DC OptiX solution. Germany Internet services provider 'net services' will keep being an expert for regional fiber optic concepts for benefiting customers.