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Huawei Enterprise Business Privacy Statement

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and its global affiliates (collectively, "Huawei", "we", "us", and"our")respect your privacy and understand how important it is to you. This Privacy Statement ("thisStatement") applies to Huawei enterprise business websites, applications, products, and servicesthatdisplay or provide links to this Statement. Before using them, please read this Statement.

It describes how Huawei processes your personal data in enterprise business, but it may notaddress allpossible personal data processing scenarios. Huawei may issue a dedicated privacy statement ornoticefor a specific Huawei enterprise business website, application, product, or service to explainhow weprocess your personal data and how you can exercise your rights and contact the data controller.You aretherefore advised to read the dedicated privacy statement or notice in conjunction with thisPrivacyStatement before using the specific website, application, product, or service.

This Statement describes:

I. How We Collect & Use Your Personal Data

II. How We Use Cookies & Similar Technologies

III. How We Disclose Personal Data

IV. How to Access & Control Your Personal Data

V. How We Protect & Retain Your Personal Data

VI. How We Process Children's Personal Data

VII. Third-Party Providers and Their Services

VIII. International Transfers of Your Personal Data

IX. Updates to This Statement

X. How to Contact Us

I. How We Collect & Use Your Personal Data

Personal data means any data that, either on its own or jointly with other data, can be used toidentifyan individual. Depending on how you interact with us, you may need to provide us with such datawhen youuse our websites, applications, products, or services. In some cases, you can choose not toprovide suchdata, but this may prevent us from providing you with corresponding productsor services, or may mean that we cannot respond to or resolve any issues you have raised.Depending onyour country, the Huawei representative office that you interact with will be responsible forhandlingyour data.

A. How We Collect Your Personal Data

We collect your personal data only for the purposes described in this Statement. The followingareexamples of personal data that we may collect:

1. Information that you provide to us

(1) Account information, such as your account ID, password, name, email address, phone number,andcountry/region. 

(2) Personal contact information, such as your name, email address, phone number, country, city,company,position, and address.

(3) User experience feedback, such as any feedback you provide about the use of our products andservices, purchase requirements, comments, and satisfaction.

2. Information obtained during your use of products and services

(1) Device data. When you use our products and services, we will collect information about yourdevice.This includes the operating system, IP address, browser type and version, and other technicalinformation that varies depending on the products and services.

(2) Interaction information.

• When you watch webinars, click ads, or open or click marketing or service notificationemails wesend to you, we will collect the generated interaction records.

• When you interact with our customer communication channels (such as pre-sales orafter-salesservice centers) face-to-face, online, or via phone or email, we will record the communicationprocess,including your phone number, recordings, and chat logs.

• When you participate in our offline activities, such as exhibitions and summits, we maycollectyour attendance records, photos, and audio and video files.

• When using location-based products or services, you may need to authorize us to obtainyourlocation information.

• When you use our products or services, we automatically collect and store necessary loginformation, such as the time of access, access count, IP addresses, and events (such as accesssuccessor failure).

(3) Information from third-party sources

As permitted by law, we may also obtain information about you from public and commercial third-party sources. For example, we may obtain the alias you use when logging in to our website from a third-party social media platform, or the information collected via lead gen forms, such as event requirements, purchase requirements, comments, and satisfaction.

(4) Collection and use of non-personally identifiable information (PII)

Non-PII is information that cannot be used to identify a particular individual. For example,statisticaldata, such as the number of visits to our website, is non-PII. We collect this data tounderstand howpeople use our websites, applications, products, and services so that we can improve our qualityofservice and better meet user requirements. We may collect, use, process, transfer, or disclosenon-PIIfor other purposes at our own discretion. We will try best to isolate your personal data fromnon-PIIand use them separately. If non-PII is mixed with your personal data, it will be treated aspersonaldata.

B. How We Use Your Personal Data

1. Purposes of using personal data

We collect and use personal data to provide better product and service experience for you. We mayuseyour personal data for the following purposes:

(1) Authentication. When you use our products or services, you may need to provide personal datain orderto create an account and for subsequent authentication and permission management.

(2) With your consent, contacting you, informing you about products and services of interest, andinviting you to join our activities and surveys. You can opt out of receiving such informationat anytime.

(3) Confirming your participation requests, sending marketing campaign information, andcollecting surveyinformation by Huawei or authorized partners when you have signed up for our online or offlinemarketingcampaigns.

(4) With your consent, sharing your hashed user ID with third-party social media platforms topresentHuawei-related products or services to you.

(5) Fulfilling contracts, handling payments, arranging shipment, and providing delivery andmaintenanceservices related to our products or services.

(6) Providing technical support and after-sales services for our products or services based oncontractual obligations or according to your requirements. This includes resolving any issuesyou raiseand providing solutions or suggestions.

(7) Organizing and managing Huawei certification exams and online learning, and managing thetraining andICT competitions organized by Huawei or authorized partners.

(8) Qualifying, managing, communicating with, and doing business with suppliers and businesspartners.

(9) Providing you with personalized experience and content.

(10) Carrying out internal audits, data analysis, and research; analyzing business operationsefficiencyand measuring market share; and improving our products and services.

(11) Ensuring the security of your personal data and that of our products and services, andexecuting andimproving our loss-prevention and anti-fraud plans.

(12) Complying with and enforcing applicable laws.

2. Legal basis for processing data

We process your personal data following the requirements of applicable laws based on anappropriate legalbasis, including:

• Necessity for the performance of a contract;

• Your consent;

• Necessity for the protection of our or a third party's legitimate interests. Legitimateinterestsinclude enabling us to more effectively manage and operate our business and provide our productsandservices; protecting the security of our businesses, systems, products, services, and customers;andother legitimate interests;

• Necessity to comply with and fulfill legal obligations.

II. How We Use Cookies & Similar Technologies

A. Cookies

To ensure our websites and applications work correctly, we may need to place a small piece ofdata knownas a cookie on your computer or mobile device. A cookie is a text file stored by a web server onacomputer or mobile device. The content of a cookie can be retrieved or read only by the user orserverthat creates the cookie. A cookie often consists of identifiers, site names, and some numbersandcharacters. Cookies are unique to the browsers or applications you use, and enable websites orapplications to store data such as your preferences or items in your shopping cart.

Like many other websites or Internet service providers, we use cookies to improve userexperience.Cookies allow websites or applications to remember your settings such as language, preferredfont size,or other browser preferences. This means that you do not need to set your preferences on everyvisit. Ifyou disable cookies, websites will treat you as a new visitor every time you load a web page.Forexample, if you navigate away from a website you are logged in to and then return to it, youwill needto log in to it again.

We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those mentioned in this Statement. You canmanage ordelete cookies based on your own preferences. For details, visit You can clear all thecookies stored on your computer, and most web browsers provide the option of blocking cookies.However,by doing so, you have to change the user settings every time you visit our website. Find out howtomanage cookie settings for your browser here:

InternetExplorer    GoogleChrome    MozillaFirefox    Safari  Opera

B. Web Beacons and Pixel Tags

In addition to cookies, we may also use other similar technologies, such as web beacons and pixeltags,on our websites and applications. For example, we may send you an email that contains aclick-throughURL linking to a Huawei web page. If you click the link, we will track your visit to help uslearn aboutyour preferences for products and services and improve our customer service. A web beacon is atransparent image embedded in a web page or email. We use pixel tags in emails to find outwhether anemail has been opened. If you do not want to be tracked in this manner, you can click theunsubscribelink in the email.

By using our websites and applications, you consent to the use of cookies, web beacons, and pixeltags asdescribed above.

III. How We Disclose Personal Data

Generally, we disclose your personal data only in the following scenarios:

1. We disclose the information you have authorized to your specified third party.

2. As a global company, we may share personal data with our affiliates. We do so only forspecific,clear, and legitimate purposes, and share only the information necessary to provide services.

3. We may share your personal data with our partners, in accordance with this Statement, if wehaveauthorized them to offer certain services. For example, when you make a purchase from us, wemust shareyour personal data with the logistics provider to arrange shipment.

4. To comply with applicable laws or respond to valid legal procedures, we may disclose yourpersonaldata to law enforcement agencies. If we are involved in a restructuring, merger &acquisition,separation, bankruptcy, or liquidation lawsuit in a given jurisdiction, your personal data maybedisclosed in connection with the transaction.

IV. How to Access & Control Your Personal Data

We strive to maintain accurate, complete, and up-to-date personal data. Please ensure that allpersonaldata you submit to us is correct.

To the extent required by applicable law, you may (i) have the right to access certain personaldata wemaintain about you, (ii) request that we update or correct inaccuracies in that data, (iii)object orrestrict to our use of your personal data, and (iv) ask us to delete your personal data from ourdatabase. To exercise these rights, please clickhere.We may require you to provide your request in writing for security purposes. Notethat wemay decline your request if we reasonably believe that the request is fraudulent, unfeasible, ormayjeopardize the privacy of others.

If allowed by applicable laws, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when weprocessyour personal data based on your consent. However, withdrawal does not affect the legitimacy oreffectiveness of how we process your personal data based on your consent before the withdrawalis made;nor does it affect any data processing based on another legal basis other than your consent.

If you have any questions about how we process your data, please click here to contact alocalHuawei dataprotection officer (DPO). If you think that the way we process your personal data does notcomply withapplicable data protection laws, you can contact the relevant competent data protectionauthority.

V. How We Protect & Retain Your Personal Data

The security of your personal data is important to us. We use appropriate physical, management,andtechnical measures to protect your personal data from unauthorizedaccess/disclosure/use/modification,damage, or loss. For example, we use cryptographic technologies for data confidentiality,protectionmechanisms to prevent attacks, and access control mechanisms to permit only authorized access toyourpersonal data. We also train our employees on security and privacy protection to ensure theyhave asolid understanding of personal data protection. Although no security measure can ever guaranteecomplete security, we are fully committed to protecting your personal data.

We will retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes stated in thisStatement, unless otherwise extending the retention period is required or permitted by law. Thedataretention period may vary depending on the scenario, product, and service. The standards we usetodetermine the retention period include: the time required to retain personal data to fulfillbusinesspurposes (including providing products and services; maintaining corresponding transaction andbusinessrecords; controlling and improving the performance and quality of products and services;ensuring thesecurity of systems, products, and services; handling possible user queries or complaints; andlocatingproblems), whether you agree to a longer retention period, and whether the laws, contracts, andotherequivalences have special requirements for data retention. We will maintain your registrationinformation as long as your account is necessary for us to provide you with your desiredproducts andservices. You can choose to deregister your account, at which point, we will stop providing youwithproducts and services through your account and delete or anonymize your relevant personal datawithin anecessary period of time, provided that deletion is not otherwise stipulated by special legalrequirements.

VI. How We Process Children's Personal Data

Our websites, applications, products, and services are not intended for children.

Children, as defined by local applicable laws, are not allowed to register with or use ourwebsites,applications, products, or services without the consent of a parent or guardian.

If you are the parent or guardian of a child and believe that we may have collected personal dataconcerning your child, please contact Huawei according to "X. How to Contact Us" in thisStatement. Wewill attempt to delete the data as soon as possible.

VII. Third-Party Providers and Their Services

In the use or experience process, you may receive content or web links from third parties otherthanHuawei. Huawei does not have control over the content or websites after redirection, but you canchoosewhether to use the links, view the content, or access the products or services provided by thirdparties.

The personal data you provide on a third-party website is collected and processed solely by thethirdparty, independently from Huawei's processing activities. Such third parties are not subject tothisStatement. Before submitting personal data to them, please read and understand their statements.

VIII. International Transfers of Your Personal Data

Huawei is a multinational company. As such, the personal data we collect may be processed oraccessed incountries or regions where you use our products or services, or other countries or regions wherewe orour affiliates, service providers, or business partners are located. Different jurisdictions mayhavedifferent data protection laws. In such circumstances, we take appropriate measures to ensurethat datais processed as required by this Statement and applicable laws. This includes when transferringa datasubject's personal data from the EU to a country or region that the European Commission deems asnotensuring an adequate level of data protection. In such cases, we may use various legalmechanisms, suchas signing standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, obtaining the datasubject's consent to the cross-border data transfer, or implementing security measures such asanonymizing personal data before cross-border data transfer. You can click here to obtain acopy ofthe EU'sstandard contractual clauses.

IX. Updates to This Statement

We reserve the right to update or modify this Statement at any time. The Statement published herewillalways be the latest one. If we make major changes to this Statement, we may notify you throughdifferent channels, for example, posting a notice on our website or sending you a direct notice.

X. How to Contact Us

If you have a complaint or issue relating to privacy, you can contact Huawei DPO by clicking here.

When your personal data is processed by Huawei in accordance with this Statement, the Huaweientity thatprovides you with products or services, or that has signed or is about to sign a contract withyou, isthe controller of the related personal data. You can click here to view thecontactinformationabout Huawei entities.

Note: Due to differences in local laws and languages, local versions of this Statement may bedifferentfrom this version. In the case of any conflicts, the local versions shall prevail.

Last update: June 2023