One ISP One Network
Unleashes Network Value Through Architecture Innovation
Productos, soluciones and servicios para los negocios
One ISP One Network
The integration and transformation of the ISP industry are accelerating, opening up more space for service development: 90% of large- and medium-sized ISPs carry out both 2H+2B services, shifting from providing connections to providing one-stop private line + X services. Network wholesale becomes a new cooperation mode, and multi-ISP integration expands the network scale. These trends and changes pose requirements on networks for overall planning, one-stop services, and experience-centric network construction, driving ISP networks to evolve toward "one network".
Huawei proposes the "One ISP One Network" target architecture, which is intelligent, simplified, hierarchically decoupled, secure, and reliable. This architecture supports the development of 2H+2B, MSP, and wholesale ISP services, as well as multi-ISP integration. It helps ISP customers achieve network monetization, asset value appreciation, and precise investment, unleashing network value.
Facilitating efficient operation of government and enterprise networks
Para hacer frente a los retos de 5G y Cloud Service, Huawei ofrece la solución CloudBackbone. Su arquitectura de red simplificada se basa en banda ultraancha y potencia la inteligencia de red con NCE. El NCE (Network Cloud Engine) de Huawei potencia la inteligencia de la red para ejecutar O&M proactivo y automatización de red, para lograr una red sin congestión capaz de reparar los fallos.
The private line and home broadband optical network solution uses the mainstream 200G/400G backbone network to meet surging bandwidth traffic demands due to enterprise service cloudification and digital transformation, enabling ISPs to upgrade their backbone networks.
Gracias a sus productos avanzados e innovadoras carteras de soluciones, la solución FTTH de Huawei permite aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades y lograr un desarrollo de servicios diferenciado con un rápido crecimiento de los ingresos.