Intelligent IP Backbone Network Solution for ISPs
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Intelligent IP Backbone Network Solution for ISPs
To Cope with the challenges from 5G and Cloud Service, Huawei provide CloudBackbone Solution. It is based on Ultra-Broadband, to construct a Simplified Network architecture, and enable network intelligence capacity with NCE.
Huawei Cloudbackbone solution is based on E2E 400GE, 8T Line card and 160T Chassis, to provide Ultra-Broadband capacity . This can fulfill the requirement of traffic increasing in next 10 years, and reduce the delivery cost per bit, Huawei Cloudbackbone solution construct a simplified Network architecture, for TCO-saving. Based on MDS solution, a converged Network bears all Services; NE9000 provide full P&PE Functionalities to achieve converged P&PE and flatten network.
Huawei NCE (Network cloud Engine) enables intelligence capacity of the network to implement proactive O&M and network automation, and make a non-congestion, self-healing Network.