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【中国,深圳,2022年5月18日]】近日,全球权威咨询和研究机构Gartner发布了《2022 Gartner Peer Insights“Voice of the Customer: Network Firewalls”》榜单,华为防火墙凭借良好的品质、完善的服务得到全球客户的好评,获得2022年Gartner网络防火墙“客户之选”荣誉称号。华为在本年度Gartner® Peer Insights™平台上再次获得了4.9分客户评分(满分5分),全球入选厂商中得分最高。
Gartner Peer Insights是一个由IT决策者和专业人员对其使用的设备、服务进行在线评级和评论的平台,目前包含了对425个市场领域、1.8万款产品的评估,以及45万条经过验证的高质量评论。Gartner通过颁发“客户之选”荣誉称号来表彰客户评价最高的供应商,从而帮助企业IT决策者做出更明智的购买决策。
本次评选共有来自中国、新加坡、墨西哥、德国、荷兰、意大利等多个国家的上百个客户针对华为防火墙进行了评价,覆盖运营商、金融、教育、医疗、能源、制造、建筑等行业。客户从产品功能、现网表现、部署运维、售后服务支撑等多个维度,对华为防火墙系列产品和解决方案进行了综合评估,并且给予了高度评价。其中,来自大型能源、建筑、零售等行业的客户对华为防火墙给予了极高的认可,使得华为防火墙成为全球企业(10B+ USD)细分领域唯一荣获“客户之选”称号的网络防火墙厂商。同时从地域维度来看,亚太区域、EMEA(欧洲、中东以及非洲)区域的客户充分认可华为防火墙的品质,使得华为防火墙分别在这两个区域细分领域荣获“客户之选”荣誉称号,是EMEA区域唯一 一家入选的中国厂商。
某能源行业的客户在评论中提到:“华为防火墙的售后服务非常好,产品的安全能力更新及时,无效告警少,这大幅降低了运维工作。” [1]
某服务行业客户评价道:“我们关注防火墙的性能和可扩展性,华为防火墙可靠性高,设备支持主控冗余和双机热备,满足我们的要求。” [2]
1.GARTNER and MAGIC QUADRANT are registered trademarks and service marks, and PEER INSIGHTS is a trademark and service mark, of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner® Peer Insights™content consists of the opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences, and should not be construed as statements of fact, nor do they represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in this content, nor makes any warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this content, about its accuracy or completeness, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
2.Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.