
Huawei Released the White Paper 《Data Storage Power – The Digital Cornerstone of High-Quality Development》


[Bangkok, Thailand, September 20, 2022] Today, at Huawei Connect 2022, Huawei officially released its white paper, 《Data Storage Power – The Digital Cornerstone of High-Quality Development》. Examining the development of the storage industry, the white paper defines quantitative indicators to measure data storage capabilities and analyzes the current data storage landscape across different regions around the world. It aims to help governments and enterprises better evaluate, design, and build data storage capabilities.

Gu Xuejun, Vice President of Huawei IT Product Line

Gu Xuejun, Vice President of Huawei IT Product Line, said: "The data storage capability is currently measured by capacity. However, with the rapid development of the industry and the emergence of new, diversified data services such as AI and big data, capacity alone is not enough to measure the future development and construction of storage systems. We need a more scientific definition and evaluation system to effectively measure data storage capabilities."

The intelligent world is driving explosive data growth across industries, and the digital transformation of these industries requires powerful data storage capabilities or data storage power. The white paper explains the concept of data storage power, as well as providing:

A concept and connotation of data storage power: Data storage power is a comprehensive concept which includes storage capacity (the core), performance, reliability, and greenness.

Quantitative research of the value of data storage: Huawei's calculations show that a data storage investment of US$1 contributes to a direct value of US$5, an indirect value of US$8, and an induced value of US$30-40.

An indicator system that assesses the data storage power of an area or a data center: This system comprises 35 three-level indicators across four directions — magnitude, efficiency, groundwork, and advancement — based on the characteristics of countries and enterprises.

An evaluation of storage power in 20 countries and regions: The white paper analyzes why certain countries lead the data storage power ranking and how those that rank lower can catch up. It also provides policy suggestions for improving data storage power.

Gu Xuejun said, "I consider this white paper to be a meaningful exploration that will generate more interest in promoting the development of the data storage industry. Only when data is well stored, quickly computed, and stably transmitted through networks can digital infrastructure unleash the value of data and better promote high-quality economic and social development."