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  • FTTH Solution

    All-Optical Gigabit Network for Premium User Experience

  • Overview
  • Solutions
  • Products
  • Case Studies
ftth overview pc

With the rapid growth of bandwidth-hungry services such as 4K, 8K, VR, and HD video, the fiber to the home (FTTH) industry has attracted wide attention from operators, and is now in a period of explosive growth. Huawei's innovative FTTH solution has been adopted by more than 350 leading global operators and ISP customers. In addition, Huawei's QuickODN solution revolutionizes optical infrastructure network construction. It uses the QuickConnect technology to implement plug-and-play of optical cables without splicing. The uneven optical splitting technology greatly reduces the usage of optical cables, standardizes construction, and improves construction efficiency.


SingleFAN Pro Solution

The era of Home+ has arrived. People now expect to be able to learn and work from home, transforming home broadband from an entertainment center to a diversified service center.

FTTR for Home Solution

Huawei's FTTR solution extends fibers to rooms and provides various gigabit Wi-Fi 6 master/slave FTTR units, all-optical components, and optical cable routing tools, allowing users to enjoy stable gigabit Wi-Fi experience in every corner of the home.

FTTR for SME Solution

Huawei's FTTR-SME solution is designed to meet the service and network requirements of small- and medium-sized enterprises. It uses a single optical fiber to build a "small and beautiful" high-quality network.


Optical Access

Based on PON technology, passive all-optical network access solutions enable access by any media, tailored to enterprises, ISPs, and MSOs.

Optical Terminal

The OptiXstar product series extends optical connectivity to every home, enterprise, and campus, bringing families closer and making enterprise operations far more efficient.

Real-World Success