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Why campuses hold the key to accelerating a net zero future

Why campuses hold the key to accelerating a net zero future

A campus is a bitesize chunk of city. Therefore, addressing the campus as a building block is key to helping cities transition to a more sustainable future. Cities tend to be developed or redeveloped in phases, often consisting of one or more city blocks, especially when sub-developers are involved.

the arts of digital banking list

Sztuka bankowości cyfrowej — przemodelowanie FOCUS

Analyze the driving forces and challenges of bank transformation under the digital trend; Describe Huawei's insights into key areas of bank digitalization and the recommended methods for remodeling the digital capability model.

5g wifi iot convergence list

"5G + Wi-Fi + IoT" Convergence, Opening Up a New Blue Ocean for Enterprise Wireless

The "5G + Wi-Fi + IoT" converged campus network solution brings new value to more industries and extend from office campuses to production campuses. The full potential of this hyper-converged campus network solution will be seen especially in healthcare, large enterprise, manufacturing, port, warehousing, and other scenarios, where it will accelerate industry digital transformation and maximize enterprise digital productivity.

biggest gap list v1

Wypełnienie największej luki w genomice

Wysokowydajne rozwiązanie do analizy danych firmy Huawei pomogło skrócić czas analizy sekwencjonowania genomu w szpitalu z 24 godzin do zaledwie siedmiu minut.

Native Hard Pipe list

Native Hard Pipe: Building a Reliable All-Optical Foundation for Industrial Digital Transformation

Huawei expects the NHP-enabled optical network to become a reliable foundation for building a fully connected, intelligent, and green world.

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Ethernet ewoluuje i jest podstawą i fundamentem hiperkonwergentnych sieci DCN

Li Yongdan


This document interprets main information in the IDC white paper, sponsored by Huawei, The Hyper-converged Datacenter Network: How Ethernet Addresses the Need for Low Latency, Losslessness, and Full Life-Cycle Network Automation.

#Data Center Network
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The Digital Economy: The Middle East's New Growth Frontier

Safder Nazir


Discusses the varying developments and development stages of the digital economy in the Middle East, highlighting best practices from across the region.

list 1012
Six Key Digital Transformation Trends in the Financial Industry

Chen Kun Te,Frank LU


With such a clear development trend, we can find an easy path to achieve digital transformation. The financial industry needs to further accelerate digital transformation to adapt to the changing customer needs and emerging business models.

#Intelligent Finance
intelligent optix network ports list
Intelligent OptiX Network at Ports


Huawei intelligent OptiX Network greatly improves the ports’ working efficiency, emergency response, and continuous operation capabilities in the case of bad weather, making the port an essential part of international shipping is Shanghai.

digital economy national businesses list
Digital Economy: The Impact on National Transformation and Businesses

Safder Nazir


The imapct of digital economy, addresses how, in addition to the measurable impact on GDP, how the Digital Economy contributes non-monetary value. Show the importance of digital economy for all the countries in the world and its impact. Discuss the impact of digital economy on governments and businesses and individuals.

optical communication list
Kluczowe wyzwania techniczne w komunikacji optycznej w następnej dekadzie


Na 5. Międzynarodowej Konferencji Optoelektronicznej i Mikroelektronicznej Technologii i Aplikacji (OMTA 2021) Huawei przedstawił kluczowe wyzwania techniczne dla komunikacji optycznej w następnej dekadzie. Tang Xiaojun, główny planista techniczny linii produktów optycznych firmy Huawei, powiedział: „Opierając się na naszym zrozumieniu komunikacji optycznej, proponujemy kluczowe wyzwania techniczne, które można napotkać w ciągu najbliższych 10 lat i udostępniamy je całemu społeczeństwu. Mamy nadzieję, że wszyscy będą współpracować, aby przezwyciężyć te wyzwania i stworzyć lepszą przyszłość dla branży komunikacji optycznej”.

wireless networking enables digital transformation list
How Wireless Networking Enables Enterprise Digital Transformation: Evaluating Network Maturity Against Industry Benchmarks

Brandon Butler


Wireless networking is one of the most important technologies enabling digital transformation. To quantifiably measure the importance of wireless networking, IDC created a Wireless Maturity Index.

#Wi-Fi 6 #Enterprise Networking
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Huawei's Latest Intelligent and Lossless Network Innovations Recognized by Leading Datacom Conference SIGCOMM

Li Yongdan


This document interprets ACC -Huawei's intelligent and lossless hyper-converged data center network innovatione. It elaborates Huawei CloudFabric 3.0 Hyper-Converged DCN Solution.

#Data Center Network
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