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  • lightweight branching banner pc

    Lightweight Branch

    Provides lightweight, simplified, and efficient branch data centers.


  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Architecture
  • Products

Huawei provides a lightweight and easy-to-deploy branch data center solution that provides video, IoT access, and AI inference capabilities and efficiently collaborates with data and algorithms in the headquarters data center.


Lightweight and simplified

Any configuration of 2 to 12 cabinets,
full-function equipment room

Converged Forwarding

Quick Delivery

Installation acceptance completed within 4 days

Deployment Automation

Efficient Collaboration

Remote O&M at the headquarters and
collaborative data algorithms


architecture en 2

Lightweight and simplified

L1-L2-L3 full-stack integration solution, integrated cooling, electricity, and control, full-function IT equipment room, ultra-lightweight, space-saving, and easy delivery

Efficient Collaboration

Efficient collaboration with the headquarters management and control cloud management, data, and AI, remote O&M, and algorithm synchronization in minutes


