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  • Huawei OceanCyber
    Data Security Appliance

    Security Engine of Data Storage

  • Overview
  • Features
  • Specifications
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  • Technical Support

Huawei OceanCyber Data Security Appliance

Huawei OceanCyber Data Security Appliance serves as a security engine for data storage, offering a range of capabilities that includes unified security policy configuration and management, ransomware detection and analysis, and defense for data security for various types of storage devices. OceanCyber helps to build a comprehensive ransomware protection storage solution to strengthen the last line of defense for data security.

Unified Security Management

Unified Security Management

• Supports OceanStor Dorado all-flash storage, OceanStor hybrid flash storage, OceanStor Pacific scale-out storage and OceanProtect backup storage. • Unified security policy configuration and management.

Detection & Analysis

Detection & Analysis

• 99.9% ransomware identification rate. • High performance up to 50 TiB/hour.

Proactive Defense

Proactive Defense

• Displays risks such as blocklist interception, abnormal read/write behavior, and file damage. • Supports recovery of multiple types of data and orchestration of recovery tasks in storage systems.


Specifications Description OceanCyber 300
Function Specifications*
 Storage Access Compatibility Supported storage models OceanStor Dorado, OceanStor hybrid flash storage, OceanStor Pacific, OceanProtect (For details, kindly check Huawei storage interoperability navigator)
Max. number of connected storage devices 8
Security Situation Display Ransomware detection report Supported
Ransomware Detection and Analysis NAS file system ransomware detection Supported
Security Isolation Air gap policy delivery Supported
Security Response Ransomware event alarm Supported
Secure Recovery Unified management and recovery of secure copies Supported
Performance Specifications*
Ransomware Detection Performance of NAS File System Detection and analysis performance 50TiB/hr
Max. detectable file numbers 23 billion
Protected Resource/Copy Max. number of snapshots 64,000
Max. number of snapshots per file system 4,096
System Management
Fault/Event Alarm Alarm/event monitoring, alarm clearance, and alarm reporting Supported
User Role System administrator, administrator, and auditor Supported
System Language Supported language Chinese and English
System language switch Dynamic switching is supported.
Hardware Specifications
Port GE network port x 2; iBMC network port x 1; 10/25GE optical port x 2
Dimensions (H x W x D) 86.1 mm (2 U) x 447 mm x 790 mm

* For further details on specifications, please contact Huawei sales
