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  • IT Integration and Cloud Enablement

    Accelerates industry cloud transformation with agile and effortless cloud migration. Get Pricing/Info

  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Architecture
  • Solutions

Complete, Secure, and Efficient Cloud Transformation

Since the 21st century, new ICTs such as AI, big data, cloud computing, and 5G have been developing rapidly, accelerating digital transformation of various industries. Digital transformation is challenging and complex. Customers of different roles have different requirements.

Huawei is dedicated to becoming an enabler for industry cloud transformation. To help industry customers address the many challenges they face in their course of in-depth cloud transformation, Huawei offers a portfolio of enablement services covering the entire lifecycle of industry clouds, helping customers build, use, and manage clouds. Driven by customers' cloud transformation needs and years of industry experience, Huawei and its partners jointly help customers develop reasonable, efficient, and full-lifecycle cloud transformation service solutions by leveraging new technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and SDN. These solutions cover cloud planning and design, cloud migration and operation support, and big data services and are developed at four levels, including cloud strategies, cloud applications, cloud infrastructure, and cloud operation. Relying on cloud-based tools and platforms, mirrored verification labs, and industry-standard service models, Huawei is providing cloud transformation services for more than 1000 customers worldwide across a wide range of sectors including finance, government, and manufacturing. The services help customers accelerate service rollout, boost IT resource utilization by up to 50%, and cut TCO by up to 40%.

  • Customization and adaptability verification

    100+ partners, complete and efficient verification
  • Expert team

    100+ solution architects
  • Fast construction

    Construction cycle shortened by 30%
  • Easy to use

    Zero data loss, zero service interruption, and minute-level application deployment

Gain the Edge

Full stack

Full stack

From underlying data center facility integration services to top-level services and applications, the E2E services help build a green, secure, and intelligent IT service foundation.
Intelligent AI

Intelligent AI

Precise simulation, full-stack linkage, and intelligent optimization are implemented, and service data flows intelligently, taking services from manual to smart governance


From sequential to on-demand, efficient data center construction, accurate evaluation and scheduling of storage and computing, and agile service rollout




Data Center Facility Integration Service

Based on the self-developed full-lifecycle digital operation platform BestDC, Huawei's data center facility integration service covers six phases – consulting, design, implementation, commissioning, verification, and O&M. It strives to build green, simplified, intelligent, and secure data centers for government and enterprise customers.