HUAWEI IdeaHub ES2 Plus
Intelligent Evolution, Limitless Collaboration
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Industry‘s first intelligent triple-lens camera
3x optical zoom, 6x hybrid zoom
Intelligent tracking 3.0
Dual mirroring and control, meeting on your fingertips
BYOM, transferring your meetings to the big screen
[1] This function will be officially released on September 30.
[2] Only available for certain versions and scenarios. For details, contact Huawei technical support.
*The product pictures and display content display above are for reference only. Actual product specifications and display content (including but not limited to backgrounds, interfaces, and illustrations) may vary.
*All data above is based on theoretical values obtained by Huawei internal laboratories. The actual results may vary owing to differences between individual products, software versions, usage conditions, and environmental factors.
*The specifications and performance displayed above vary depending on the actual release.