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16 2022.06

Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage Wins Best of Show Award at Interop Tokyo 2022

Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage won Special Prize for Best of Show Award in the Server & Storage category, demonstrating its competitive advantages.

15 2022.06


6月15日(水)から17日(金)に千葉市の幕張メッセで開催される国内最大級のICT総合イベント「Interop Tokyo 2022」(実行委員会主催)に、華為技術日本株式会社(ファーウェイ・ジャパン)は世界最高水準の能力をもつ次世代のバックアップ専用ストレージ OceanProtect X9000を日本で初めて展示します。

15 2022.06

Huawei's NetEngine A821 E Universal Service Router Wins the Interop 2022 Best of Show Award

Huawei's datacom NetEngine A821 E won the Best of Show Award; an enterprise router allowing enterprises to access clouds over the WAN quickly.

15 2022.06

Huawei MiniFTTO Solution Wins Best of Show Award at Interop Tokyo 2022

Huawei MiniFTTO solution that feature premium experience and simple O&M won the Interop 2023 Best of Show Award Runners-up.

15 2022.06

Huawei L3 ADN Solution for Campuses: "Three Zeros" Digital Experience

Huawei's L3 autonomous driving network (ADN) solution redefines automatic management and O&M for campus networks and accelerates digital transformation.

1 2022.06

Net-Zero Carbon Campus Wins 2022 WSIS Champion Prize

Huawei's net-zero carbon campus solution has been named a World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2022 Prizes Champion at the ceremony in Geneva.

26 2022.05

Green Financial DCs: 4 Storage Technology Directions

Huawei and organizations jointly released the Research Report on Green and High-Quality Data Center Development for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality.

24 2022.05

Green, Fully Optical, and Intelligent Connections

Huawei held its annual Global Internet Service Industry Summit in Vienna, 2022, exploring eco-friendliness, intelligence, and digital transformation.

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