Smart Urban Rail
From single-line to multi-line operations: driving integrated mobility.
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Smart Urban Rail, Growing with the Cloud
We help you build smart urban rails. Our smart urban rail solution cloud integrates a range of the latest ICTs — cloud, AI, big data, IoT, ICP, video, GIS, and more — so you can develop innovative applications for urban rail construction, operations, management, and services.
Our solutions are contextualized to the urban rail industry. In this way, you can focus on what's most important for your business, ranging from smart construction and O&M to enabling smooth passenger transport and mobility.
Based on applications such as the cloud, big data, and IoT, all optical network improves urban rail operating efficiency and the passenger experience.
An urban rail cloud platform centrally carries ISCS, AFC, PIS, ACS, CCTV, and other application systems. The platform integrates resources, and standardizes architecture and data.
LTE-M (Metro) ensures continuous, reliable, secure, and uninterrupted urban rail communication and carries multiple services such as CBTC, trunking dispatch, PIS, and CCTV.
Huawei's Wi-Fi 6 Smart Urban Rail Solution is ideal for train-to-ground communication and wireless coverage needed for autonomous driving smart urban rail, delivering more secure, convenient, efficient, energy-efficient, and economical innovative travel experiences.
Stands out for always-on security, network-wide intelligent O&M, and all-service backhaul to inspire more urban rail service innovations.
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