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  • Cloud and Large Model for Chemicals

    Further enhancing automation and E2E operational efficiency while cutting costs

  • Overview
  • Benifits
  • Architecture
  • Products

AI large models play a big part in building smart chemical plants that are safe, green, and efficient.

Utilizing cutting-edge ITs like big data, cloud computing, and AI within the chemicals industry is essential for supporting its development as well as the internal operations of enterprises.

Cloud forms the foundation of the entire industrial Internet platform. Considering factors like cost, efficiency, and security, Huawei recommends a two-level cloud architecture: building a central cloud for the group and an edge cloud for plants. The group cloud serves as the capability and operation center, handling the digital operational business of chemical groups and training group model algorithms. The edge cloud meets the production needs of plants, primarily focusing on real-time processing of local services, local data storage, and analysis. The two-level cloud architecture enables unified planning and management while supporting the intelligent and collaborative development of groups and chemical plants.

As the AI technology centered around large models matures, the integration of AI with chemical production scenarios deepens. Huawei and its partners have made significant progresses in AI large model applications that cater to production process optimization, device management, and safe operations, further enhancing automation rates and E2E operational efficiency, reducing raw material usage, and achieving cost cuts.


Gasification RTO

Gasification RTO

Optimizing process decisions reduces coal consumption, saving 1.3% in coal usage annually and lowering costs.

Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance

Device fault warnings reduce the workload of inspections, diagnosis, and over-repair, avoiding unnecessary material investments and reducing production downtime losses.

AI-based quality inspection for rubber

AI-based quality inspection for rubber

Reduces the intensity of manual quality inspection and improves its efficiency by over 20%.


