Smart Gas Station Solution
Improve management efficiency, implement secure operations,
and optimize the user experience.
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A Converged Platform for the Digital and Intelligent Upgrade of Gas Stations
Gas stations are the key touchpoint for fuel retail in the oil and gas industry. But, with demand slowing, traditional promotional models, such as discounts and joint promotions, are now proving ineffective. The industry is changing, as a result, moving away from a price-centric approach toward one much more focused on the user experience. This is a people-vehicle-lifestyle ecosystem and it has kick-started gas station transformation.
Based on the existing infrastructure and service system applications of gas stations, Huawei's Smart Gas Station Solution is the industry's first integrated and simplified edge-intelligent and converged platform for gas stations. Based on Huawei's flagship edge data storage product,FusionCube 1000, the solution implements Information Technology (IT) integration at the station level. Building full-Internet of Things (IoT) and full-sensing application development capabilities to meet the needs of a range of intelligent services, the solution helps gas stations provide smart services, implements smart management, and fosters smart marketing.
FusionCube 1000キャビネット
ファーウェイのFusionCube 1000キャビネットは、ROBOや垂直産業シナリオ向けのワンストップのエッジITインフラソリューションとしてオフィスに展開することができます。
AR502Hシリーズ エッジコンピューティングIoTゲートウェイ
Atlas 500 AIエッジステーション (モデル: 3000)
Atlas 500 AIエッジステーション(モデル:3000)は、エッジアプリケーション向けに設計されています。コンパクトなサイズで優れた演算性能、強い環境適応性、メンテナンスの容易さ、クラウドエッジコラボレーションなどを特長とし、エッジに広く展開することができます。