Composite O&M Platform for Safety and Production
A standardized operations platform to optimize management and working procedures.
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Standardizing and Digitalizing Working Procedures
Many leading mining enterprises around the world have already digitalized their processes, established digital systems, and popularized intelligent devices. However, there is still much work to be done.
Digital systems, established vertically department by department, have yet to streamline systems between data governance business domains, for example. They must do so if they are to achieve integrated data use and improve prediction, prevention, and emergency assurance capabilities. Indeed, siloed operations — based on those same vertical departments — fundamentally hold back cross-domain data consumption. In other words, closed-loop management, extending from operations to high command, needs to be improved.
Similarly, although intelligent devices — including cameras, smart helmets, and sensors — are widely used, the applications supporting them are not enough. Video monitoring, widely used in the industry, also needs to be managed far more efficiently.
Huawei's Composite Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Platform for Safety and Production includes an operation management system for digital operations, a comprehensive management and control system for inventory management, and a safety management system for transportation inspection, belt transportation, and more.
Within the platform, the operation management system helps standardize and digitalize work duties, resulting in lower costs and workforce numbers, as well as improved efficiency. The system also enables online command, one-click access to mining sites, and real-time service overview. Operation processes are integrated into the device status management, in order to dynamically learn running statuses in real time and improve asset utilization.
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