All-Optical Access for ISPs
Building premium Gigaband networks that are easy to deploy
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High Speed, High Performance Internet
Huawei's All-Optical Access solution — featuring ultra-broadband architecture, a flat network structure, and easy deployment — provides High Speed Internet (HSI), Wi-Fi coverage, and voice and video for users.
With the solution's industry-leading Optical Line Terminal (OLT) platform based on distributed architecture, every home and enterprise scenario is covered by a wide range of Optical Network Units (ONUs), with Optical Network Terminals (ONTs) improving Wi-Fi performance by 30%. Smart Wi-Fi networks and efficient cloud-based Operations and Maintenance (O&M) also enable Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to focus on user experience, instead of bandwidth. With Huawei's QuickODN solution, ISPs can quickly plan and expand Fiber To The X (FTTx) networks.