HUAWEI IdeaHub Helps IZA Mexico Make Great Strides in the Office Leasing Field
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IZA Business Centers is a top 3 office leasing service provider in Mexico. With over 30 years of expertise and 180 plus conference rooms, it provides services for 10 major cities in Mexico. To strengthen its competitive office leasing services and cut operating expenditure, IZA has been optimizing its office infrastructure.
Traditional conference rooms are home to many different office devices, including projectors, whiteboards, microphones, speakers, and video conferencing endpoints. Connecting these devices is complex, while pairing them one by one is even more challenging. For office leasing service providers, this not only reduces user satisfaction and efficiency, but also results in a high fault rate, increasing overall operating expense.
The all-in-one design of HUAWEI IdeaHub seamlessly integrates conferencing, whiteboard, and projection capabilities into a single device. Both lightweight and moveable, it enhances collaboration and productivity in any workspace, from conference rooms to open areas and manager's offices. With just one IdeaHub, you can turn any space into a conference room.
For makeshift meetings, the IdeaHub S2 ensures a natural and smooth writing experience with 16 ms ultra-low writing latency. It also allows users to save notes on the whiteboard by scanning a QR code or erase them using simple gestures. Sharing content is a fundamental part of conferences, but conventional technology can make this complicated as it requires devices to be connected to the same network. IdeaHub S2 simplifies this process with the network-free projection feature. By just enabling Wi-Fi on the PC and IdeaHub, users can project content without needing to connect them to the same network. What's more, users can reversely control the PC through the IdeaHub and provide comments on shared materials, enhancing collaboration efficiency.
During a remote conference, users can log in to their personal accounts on laptops to run third-party cloud conferencing apps, and make full use of the IdeaHub's camera, microphone, speaker, and screen via the BYOM feature. This allows more people within the room to join the conference, and delivers a superior audiovisual experience for remote participants.
Managing a large number of devices is no easy feat. There is an easier way of configuring and updating devices, and this can be done through the IdeaManager platform. This platform allows one person to remotely control and manage millions of devices, including upgrading the software version and configuring their run time. This intelligent O&M tool can automatically detect faults and provide simple solutions to reduce connection issues. It also monitors endpoint usage status in real-time, allowing endpoints with low usage to be relocated to maximize their value. Furthermore, the IdeaManager enables unified management of both local and remote conference rooms, remote monitoring, and centralized information release.
The IdeaHub S2 boasts a simple user interface, boosts office efficiency, and enhances the company's unique competitiveness in the office leasing market, as well as simplifying O&M. "Deploying IdeaHub in offices can introduce new technologies and enhance the work efficiency of our users," said Armando Valenzuela, the CEO of IZA Mexico, "This can also improve the satisfaction of employees in the workspace. We take pride in bringing new technology to our users."