Laos EDL: Digital Modernization of Power Distribution and Utilization
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Laos manages more than 60 percent of the water resources in the Mekong River. Under the policy of “hydropower rich countries”, Laos exports electricity to ASEAN countries such as Thailand, which is called “batteries in Southeast Asia”. The Electricite Du Laos (EDL) is an exclusive power development and operation organization in Laos. It is responsible for power supply and power export outside Laos.
To increase the power outlet, the EDL focuses on the construction of power stations and power transmission and transformation lines at the early stages. However, the power distribution and power supply base is weak, the devices on the live network are old and the line loss does not decrease, additionally the efficiency of manual meter reading is low. As a result, the EDL power development is unbalanced.
The line loss reaches up to 18 percent (generally about 7–10 percent in the industry), and the line loss increases.
Lack of detection methods and terminals. Faults cannot be located. The average outage duration is 30 minutes per week.
Power distribution terminals use VHF backhaul, electricity meter data is sent back through the GPRS network of carriers, and the communication success rate is low and the cost is high.
Manual meter reading often leads to omission, concealment, and few reports. Data entry and bank settlement are manual operations, resulting in low efficiency.
Traditional mechanical meters lack technical detection methods, and industrial and commercial users have serious electricity theft.
Multiple vendors’ electric meters and HES systems are deployed on the live network. The systems are independent of each other, resulting in data disconnection and high management and maintenance costs.
Through long-term communication internally and with EDL, Huawei analyzes EDL’s requirements and pain points, binds the domestic electric power design institute to in-depth survey, and works with framework partners to provide end-to-end power distribution solutions for the master station system, communications network, and terminal equipment.
Improves EDL’s brand image: Multiple channels (bank/App/customer service center) pay fees, eliminating the need for queuing. The power outage duration is greatly reduced and user satisfaction is improved.
Improves operation level: Proper scheduling reduces line loss. Faults are quickly located and isolated to reduce the impact of power failures. Power consumption analysis accurately guides the power production.
Improves profitability: Remote automatic meter reading reduces labor costs. The meter prepaid mode accelerates cash return.